rsilvestre / phoenix-react-redux-starter-kit

Get started with Phoenix, React, Redux, and React-Router!

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Standard - JavaScript Style Guide

Build status by branch :

branch build status
master Build Status
language-support Build Status
ecto Build Status
user_support Build Status
user-support-multilanguage Build Status
demo Build Status

The project is based on react-redux-starter-kit developed by David Zukowski. The main idea is to offer to the Phoenix developer one of the best react redux starter kit I ever seen before. A large part of the content of this README file could be the same than which on the react-redux-starter-kit page.

What are my motivates and what is the difference with the other starter kit. I wanted to follow a specialized react redux starter kit with the fractal approche. - The application structure presented in this boilerplate is fractal, where functionality is grouped primarily by feature rather than file type. - (Read more here). I also wanted to have several starter kit, according what you wanted to develop. The project is devided in several branches : master, language-support, ecto, user_support and user-support-multilanguage.

If you want learn more about elixir and phoenix, i would suggest you to watch the webbinar made by José Valim, the creator of elixir :

The demo website is accessible to this link :

Table of content

  1. Features
  2. Requirements
  3. Branches
  4. Start
  5. Development
  6. Test
  7. Deployment
  8. Demo
  9. Learn more
  10. Inspiraction


  • react
  • redux
  • react-router
  • webpack
  • babel
  • phoenix
  • socket


  • erlang 18.x
  • hex 0.14.1
  • elixir 1.3.4
  • phoenix 1.2.1
  • node 6.x.x
  • yarn ^0.17.0 or npm ^3.0.0

Install requirements


follow the install instruction on the elixir-lang web page

For OSX, you have to install erlang 18.x

$ brew install erlang-r18
$ brew install elixir

if you have several version of erlang installed, switch to version 18.x

to know which version of erlang is installed with brew, use : $ brew info erlang

$ brew switch erlang 18.x


Follow the instruction on the installation guide of phoenix framework http://www.phoenixframework .org/docs/installation

$ mix local.hex
$ mix archive.install


node come with npm installed


NVM mean (node version manager). You can find it here : [](https://github .com/creationix/nvm)

with cURL:

$ curl -o- | bash

or with wget

$ wget -qO- | bash

add this in your .profile of .bash_profile or .bashrc, ...

export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm

reload your profile with $ source ~/.profile

install node :

$ nvm install node

you can use homebrew

$ brew install node



Yarn caches every package it downloads so it never needs to download it again. It also parallelizes operations to maximize resource utilization so install times are faster than ever.

It's x times faster than using npm

Once npm is installed

$ npm install -g yarn


Like there are serveral way to start a project, I added some nice feature in sub-branches to help developpers to start faster there projects. May be in a futur I will move thoses branches in independant github project :

. master             # is a starter kit without Ecto support
├── language-support # include a multilanguage support using react-intl
└── ecto             # include ecto deps with postgrex
    └── user_support # include a user restricted area, a signup, a signin and a signout actions
        └── user-support-multilanguage # merge user_support with language-support
            └── demo # The demo of the starter kit


The branch master contains the simpliest starter kit possible. The backend just render a static page including the canvas of the SPA. It handles the request to the css, the javascript, the favicon, etc...


This branch contains the simple support to ecto. Ecto is the elixir ORM you can find more details, you can find information here :


I'm living in Beligum. We have three communities speaking different languages. Dutch, French and German. For that reason, language support looks important to me. juanda99 created first a language support for react redux starter kit and I helped him to maintain his repository. I reused what he did and included it in this project


A lot of project start with a user connection. This branch includes a small user support.

It adds a restricted area, a user create, login and logout. It also add Websocket user connection.


This branch is a mix between user_support and language-support. You should be able to start a project really fast.


To start your Phoenix app:

Install from source

$ git clone <my-project-name>
cd <my-project-name>

Then install dependencies and check to see it works. It is recommended that you use Yarn for deterministic installs, but npm install will work just as well.

$ mix deps.get                      # Install dependencies
$ yarn install                      # Install node modules
$ mix do ecto.create, ecto.migrate  # If you use `Ecto`
$ mix phoenix.server                # Start Phoenix endpoint

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Ready to run in production? Please check our deployment guides.


Developer Tools

We recommend using the Redux DevTools Chrome Extension. Using the chrome extension allows your monitors to run on a separate thread and affords better performance and functionality. It comes with several of the most popular monitors, is easy to configure, filters actions, and doesn?t require installing any packages.

However, adding the DevTools components to your project is simple. First, grab the packages from npm:

$ npm i --save-dev redux-devtools redux-devtools-log-monitor redux-devtools-dock-monitor

Then follow the manual integration walkthrough.


We use react-router route definitions (<route>/index.js) to define units of logic within our application. See the application structure section for more information.


The complete explaination about the Redux DevTools can be found on the github page of the project, and the usage of the extension can be fond on the Redux DevTools Extension page. But basicaly, from the extension's context menu choose 'Open Remote DevTools' or press Alt+Shift+arrow up (or down, left, right) (Cmd+CTRL+arrow up on Mac) for remote monitoring.


The Elixir code is linted with credo where the source code can be found on github

$ mix credo --strict

The Elixir code is unitTested (orchestration) with ExUnit and the Integration tests is made with Hound

$ mix test                          # integration tests included
$ mix test --exclude integration    # integration tests excluded

The JavaScript code is linted with eslint

$ npm run lint

The JavaScript is unitTested (orchestred) with Karma, Mocha, sinon and chai

$ npm run test


Compile production code with distillery

You need to compile first the javascript and next phoenix. As proposed by Pete Corey here : Deploying elixir applications with distillery

$ npm run deploy:prod
$ MIX_ENV=prod mix do compile, phoenix.digest, release --env=prod

To test it :

$ PORT=8080 ./_build/prod/rel/YOUR_APP/bin/YOUR_APP foreground


  1. build, check and push

    docker login -u root -p PASSWORD
    export TAG=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
    docker build -t${TAG} .
    docker stop messaging_center_widget
    docker rm messaging_center_widget
    docker run --name=messaging_center_widget --restart=always \
       -p -d${TAG}
    docker push${TAG}
    export dockerToDelete=$(docker images | \
       grep | \
       grep -v "IMAGE ID" | grep -v ${TAG} | awk '{print $3}' | sed '$d')
    if [ ! -z "$dockerToDelete" ]; then docker rmi $dockerToDelete; fi
    echo export TAG=${TAG}
  2. pull, run and clean

    docker login -u root -p PASSWORD
    export TAG=TAG
    docker pull${TAG}
    docker stop messaging_center_widget
    docker rm messaging_center_widget
    docker run --name=messaging_center_widget --restart=always -p \
    docker rm $(docker ps -a | grep Exited | awk '{print $1}')
    docker rmi $(docker images | grep -v "IMAGE ID" | grep -v ${TAG} | awk '{print $3}')


It support multi-language, user connection and websocket communication.

If you try it, when you open 2 browser and you are connecte on each browser with the same user, when you are on the counter page, if you increment the counter, this one is incremented on the page of each browsers. This is also a GenServer to memorise the counter state. The state of the counter is shared between each instance of the server.

Learn more


I would like to thank you all the people in different opensource communities for there projects that help me to create this starter kit.

Read those books :


Get started with Phoenix, React, Redux, and React-Router!


Language:JavaScript 56.3%Language:Elixir 33.5%Language:CSS 5.4%Language:HTML 3.3%Language:Dockerfile 1.5%