"SpringKit" is a proof-of-concept Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Twilio API, and Bourbon-styled "Breakable Toy": a social media app for counselors, therapists, and other healthcare practitioners that helps actively engage clients in collecting resources related to ongoing treatment.
It provides a private space (a "SpringKit") for clients to save helpful PDFs, documents, images, or video that a practitioner can also view and contribute to. Either party can also send posts as text messages for quick communication.
"SpringKit" is a proof-of-concept final project, or "Breakable Toy", for my apprenticeship at Launch Academy in Summer 2014.
- Private resource-sharing ("kits") for clients and their practitioners
- Sharing messages and media, including PDFs, links, images, and videos
- "Send Post as Text Message" option for both client and practitioner from within kit
- A WYSIWYG editor for body text
- A namespaced practitioner dock
- Listing of all of practitioner's clients and their kits
- Kit creation
- Message center for texted posts from all clients
- Area graph of post frequency for each kit
- Date of last post for each kit
- Customized "collections" unique to each kit, to group posts categorically according to each client's unique needs
- Kit searching
- Clients and practitioners can belong to "organizations", so that multiple organizations can use SpringKit
- This Ruby on Rails app was stitched together with Paperclip, the Twilio API, PostGRES, jQuery, Devise, Froala WYSIWYG, and Chartkick
- ...tested with Capybara, FactoryGirl, Webmock, and VCR
- ...and Sass-styled with the aid of Bourbon mixins, the Neat grid framework, and Bitters scaffolding