rsenden / micronaut-inject-issue

Project to demonstrate Micronaut injection issue

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Expected Behavior

In our Micronaut/Picocli based command line application, we have multiple abstract classes containing fields annotated with @Inject. These abstract classes are used as base classes for concrete Picocli @Command implementations. We'd expect Micronaut to properly inject these fields with the corresponding @Singleton instances.

Actual Behaviour

  • If there are any custom annotations (defined in our own com.fortify.* package) present in either the abstract base class or the concrete command implementation, the fields annotated with @Inject get injected properly.
  • If there are only standard annotations (from java.lang, picocli, Jackson, ...) present in the class hierarchy, the fields annotated with @Inject do not get injected and remain null.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Clone sample project
  2. Run ./gradlew clean shadowJar
  3. Run java -jar build/libs/mncli.jar annotated-superclass; outputs Singleton called
  4. Run java -jar build/libs/mncli.jar annotated-subclass; outputs Singleton called
  5. Run java -jar build/libs/mncli.jar field-annotation; outputs Singleton called
  6. Run java -jar build/libs/mncli.jar no-annotation; fails with NPE because singleton was not injected
  7. Run java -jar build/libs/mncli.jar standard-annotation; fails with NPE because singleton was not injected

Environment Information

  • Operating system: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS running under Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL2)
  • Java version: Openjdk version "11.0.16" 2022-07-19

Example Application

Micronaut Version



Project to demonstrate Micronaut injection issue


Language:Java 100.0%