rrrkren / pyndri

pyndri is a Python interface to the Indri search engine.

Home Page:http://ilps.science.uva.nl

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


pyndri is a Python interface to the Indri search engine (http://www.lemurproject.org/indri/).

To install:

[sudo] python setup.py install

How to iterate over all documents in a repository:

import pyndri

index = pyndri.Index('/path/to/indri/index')

for document_id in xrange(index.document_base(), index.maximum_document()):
    print index.document(document_id)

The above will output pairs of external document identifiers and document terms:

('eUK237655', (877, 2171, 191, 2171))
('eUK956325', (880, 2171, 345, 2171))
('eUK458961', (3566, 1, 2, 3199, 504, 1726, 1, 3595, 1860, 1171, 1527))
('eUK390317', (3228, 2397, 2, 945, 1, 3097, 3, 145, 3769, 2102, 1556, 970, 3959))
('eUK794201', (770, 247, 1686, 3712, 1, 1085, 3, 830, 1445))

How to launch a Indri query to an index and get the identifiers and scores of retrieved documents:

import pyndri

index = pyndri.Index('/path/to/indri/index')

# Queries the index with 'hello world' and returns the first 1000 results.
results = index.query('hello world', results_requested=1000)

for int_document_id, score in results:
    ext_document_id, _ = index.document(int_document_id)
    print ext_document_id, score

The above will print document identifiers and language modeling scores:

eUK306804, -8.77414652243
eUK700967, -8.8712247934
eUK437700, -8.88184436222
eUK107263, -8.89119022464

The token to term identifier mapping can be extracted as follows:

import pyndri

index = pyndri.Index('/path/to/indri/index')
token2id, id2token, id2df = index.get_dictionary()

id2tf = index.get_term_frequencies()


pyndri is a Python interface to the Indri search engine.



Language:C++ 87.5%Language:Python 12.5%