rristow / pylinkvalidator

pylinkvalidator is a standalone and pure python link validator and crawler that traverses a web site and reports errors (e.g., 500 and 404 errors) encountered.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Version: 0.3

pylinkvalidator is a standalone and pure python link validator and crawler that traverses a web site and reports errors (e.g., 500 and 404 errors) encountered. The crawler can also download resources such as images, scripts and stylesheets.

pylinkvalidator's performance can be improved by installing additional libraries that require a C compiler, but these libraries are optional.

We created pylinkvalidator so that it could be executed in environments without access to a compiler (e.g., Microsoft Windows, some posix production environments) or with an old version of python (e.g., Centos).

pylinkvalidator is highly modular and has many configuration options, but the only required parameter is the starting url: pylinkvalidate.py http://www.example.com/

pylinkvalidator can also be used programmatically by calling one of the functions in pylinkvalidator.api


Quick Start

Install pylinkvalidator with pip or easy_install:

pip install pylinkvalidator

Crawl all pages from a site and show progress:

pylinkvalidate.py -P http://www.example.com/


pylinkvalidator does not require external libraries if executed with python 2.x. It requires beautifulsoup4 if executed with python 3.x. It has been tested on python 2.6, python 2.7, and python 3.6.

For production use, it is strongly recommended to use lxml or html5lib because the default HTML parser provided by python is not very lenient.

Optional Requirements

These libraries can be installed to enable certain modes in pylinkvalidator:

beautifulsoup can use lxml to speed up the parsing of HTML pages. Because lxml requires C libraries, this is only an optional requirement.
beautifulsoup can use html5lib to process incorrect or strange markup. It is slower than lxml, but believed to be more lenient.
this non-blocking io library enables pylinkvalidator to use green threads instead of processes or threads. gevent could potentially speed up the crawling speed on web sites with many small pages.
this library speeds up the detection of document encoding.


This is a list of all available options. See the end of the README file for usage examples.

Usage: pylinkvalidate.py [options] URL ...

  --version             Show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit
  -V VERBOSE, --verbose=VERBOSE
                        Display debugging info
                          None:  --verbose=0 (default)
                          Quiet: --verbose=1
                          Info:  --verbose=2

  Crawler Options:
    These options modify the way the crawler traverses the site.

    -O, --test-outside  Fetch resources from other domains without crawling
    -H ACCEPTED_HOSTS, --accepted-hosts=ACCEPTED_HOSTS
                        Comma-separated list of additional hosts to crawl
                        (e.g., example.com,subdomain.another.com)
                        Comma-separated list of host/path prefixes to ignore
                        (e.g., www.example.com/ignore_this_and_after/)
    -b, --ignore-bad-tel-urls
                        ignore badly formed tel URLs missing the leading +
                        sign, e.g., tel:1234567890 - only necessary for Python
                        > 2.6
    -u USERNAME, --username=USERNAME
                        Username to use with basic HTTP authentication
    -p PASSWORD, --password=PASSWORD
                        Password to use with basic HTTP authentication
    -M, --multi         each argument is considered to be a different site
    -D HEADER, --header=HEADER
                        custom header of the form Header: Value (repeat for
                        multiple headers)
                        get starting URLs from a line-separated file
    -t TYPES, --types=TYPES
                        Comma-separated values of tags to look for when
                        crawling a site. Default (and supported types):
    -T TIMEOUT, --timeout=TIMEOUT
                        Seconds to wait before considering that a page timed
                        out (default = 10)
    -C, --strict        Does not strip href and src attributes from
    -P, --progress      Prints crawler progress in the console
    -N, --run-once      Only crawl the first page (eq. to depth=0)
    -d DEPTH, --depth=DEPTH
                        Maximum crawl depth (default = 1)
    -e, --prefer-server-encoding
                        Prefer server encoding if specified. Else detect
                        Check presence of raw or HTML content on all pages.
                        e.g., <tag attr1="val">regex:content</tag>. Content
                        can be either regex:pattern or plain content
                        Check absence of raw or HTML content on all pages.
                        e.g., <tag attr1="val">regex:content</tag>. Content
                        can be either regex:pattern or plain content
                        Check presence of raw or HTML content for one page:
                        path,content, e.g.,: /path,<tag
                        attr1="val">regex:content</tag>. Content can be either
                        regex:pattern or plain content. Path can be either
                        relative or absolute with domain.
                        Check absence of raw or HTML content for one page:
                        path,content, e.g.,path,<tag
                        attr1="val">regex:content</tag>. Content can be either
                        regex:pattern or plain content. Path can be either
                        relative or absolute with domain.
    -S, --show-source   Show source of links (html) in the report.
                        Allow insecure content for HTTPS sites with
                        certificate errors

  Performance Options:
    These options can impact the performance of the crawler.

    -w WORKERS, --workers=WORKERS
                        Number of workers to spawn (default = 1)
    -m MODE, --mode=MODE
                        Types of workers: thread (default), process, or green
    -R PARSER, --parser=PARSER
                        Types of HTML parse: html.parser (default) or lxml

  Output Options:
    These options change the output of the crawler.

    -f FORMAT, --format=FORMAT
                        Format of the report: plain (default)
    -o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT
                        Path of the file where the report will be printed.
    -W WHEN, --when=WHEN
                        When to print the report. error (only if a
                        crawling error occurs) or always (default)
    -E REPORT_TYPE, --report-type=REPORT_TYPE
                        Type of report to print: errors (default, summary and
                        erroneous links), summary, all (summary and all links)
    -c, --console       Prints report to the console in addition to other
                        output options such as file or email.

  Email Options:
    These options allows the crawler to send a report by email.

    -a ADDRESS, --address=ADDRESS
                        Comma-separated list of email addresses used to send a
                        Email address to use in the from field of the email
    -s SMTP, --smtp=SMTP
                        Host of the smtp server
    --port=PORT         Port of the smtp server (optional)
    --tls               Use TLS with the email server.
    --subject=SUBJECT   Subject of the email (optional)
                        Username to use with the smtp server (optional)
                        Password to use with the smtp server (optional)

Usage Example

Crawl a site and show progress
pylinkvalidate.py --progress http://example.com/
Crawl a site starting from 2 URLs
pylinkvalidate.py http://example.com/ http://example2.com/
Crawl a site (example.com) and all pages belonging to another host
pylinkvalidate.py -H additionalhost.com http://example.com/
Report status of all links (even successful ones)
pylinkvalidate.py --report-type=all http://example.com/
Report status of all links and HTML show source of these links
pylinkvalidate.py --report-type=all --show-source http://example.com/
Only crawl starting URLs and access all linked resources
pylinkvalidate.py --run-once http://example.com/
Crawl two levels (one more than run-once) and access all linked resources
pylinkvalidate.py --depth=1 http://example.com/
Only access links (a href) and ignore images, stylesheets and scripts
pylinkvalidate.py --types=a http://example.com/
Crawl a site with 4 threads (default is one thread)
pylinkvalidate.py --workers=4 http://example.com/
Crawl a site with 4 processes (default is one thread)
pylinkvalidate.py --mode=process --workers=4 http://example.com/
Crawl a site and use LXML to parse HTML (faster, must be installed)
pylinkvalidate.py --parser=LXML http://example.com/
Print debugging info
pylinkvalidate.py --verbose=2 http://example.com/
Change User-Agent request header
pylinkvalidate.py --header="User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0" http://example.com/
Crawl multiple sites and report results per site
pylinkvalidate.py --multi http://example.com/ http://www.example2.net/
Check that all HTML pages have a body tag with a specific class:
pylinkvalidate.py --check-content '<body class="test"></body>' http://example.com/
Check that no HTML pages have a paragraph tag with a pattern:
pylinkvalidate.py --check-absence '<p>regex:Hello\s+World</body>' http://example.com/
Check that robots.txt have a Disallow none:
pylinkvalidate.py --check-content-once '/robots.txt,regex:^Disallow:\s*$' http://example.com/
Allow insecure content for HTTPS sites with certificate errors [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED]
pylinkvalidate.py --allow-insecure-content https://self-signed.example.com/

API Usage

To crawl a site from a single URL:

from pylinkvalidator.api import crawl
crawled_site = crawl("http://www.example.com/")
number_of_crawled_pages = len(crawled_site.pages)
number_of_errors = len(crawled_sites.error_pages)

To crawl a site and pass some configuration options (the same supported by the command line interface):

from pylinkvalidator.api import crawl_with_options
crawled_site = crawl_with_options(["http://www.example.com/"], {"run-once":
    True, "workers": 10})
number_of_crawled_pages = len(crawled_site.pages)
number_of_errors = len(crawled_sites.error_pages)

FAQ and Troubleshooting

I cannot find pylinkvalidate.py on Windows with virtualenv
This is a known problem with virtualenv on windows. The interpreter is different than the one used by the virtualenv. Prefix pylinkvalidate.py with the full path: python c:\myvirtualenv\Scripts\pylinkvalidate.py
I see Exception KeyError ... module 'threading' when using --mode=green
This output is generally harmless and is generated by gevent patching the python thread module. If someone knows how to make it go away, patches are more than welcome :-)


This software is licensed under the New BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the for the full license text. It includes the beautifulsoup library which is licensed under the MIT license.


pylinkvalidator is a standalone and pure python link validator and crawler that traverses a web site and reports errors (e.g., 500 and 404 errors) encountered.



Language:Python 99.1%Language:HTML 0.8%Language:JavaScript 0.0%Language:CSS 0.0%