rreusser / demos

One repo to rule them all.

Home Page:http://rreusser.github.io/sketches/

Repository from Github https://github.comrreusser/demosRepository from Github https://github.comrreusser/demos


This is hopefully one repo to manage all the demos I've been accumulating or at least a place to dump the new ones. The goal here is to learn new things and test limits.

These demos are made using regl, plotly.js, and d3.js.

Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation in 2D, ∂u/∂t + ∇⁴u + ∇²u + ½ |∇u|² = 0 2D Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation,
∂u/∂t + ∇⁴u + ∇²u + ½ |∇u|² = 0
Periodic 3-body gravitational trajectories Periodic 3-body trajectories using RK4(5) Cash-Karp adaptive integration. Rayleigh-Taylor and Kelvin-Helmholtz hydrodynamic instabilities.
GPGPU Integration of particle geodesics in Schwarzschild spacetime (a black hole!) Analytical fluid flow over an airfoil using the Kármán–Trefftz transform. Computed and visualized in a single GPU pass. 2D not-particularly-physical gravity as a semi-lagrangian continuum 1M particles interacting as a two-dimensional gravitational continuum
Vortex, rendered as a single signed distance function Umbilic Torus Strange attractors computed and displayed on the GPU Integrating Strange Attractors on the GPU
Minimize the McCormick function using Powell's method with golden section line search. Chaos via the logistic map: x[n+1] = r*x[n]*(1-x[n]) Motion blur the simple way
The tinkerbell map using plotly's point cloud feature Tinkerbell map Roots of a polynomial with random coefficients Smooth Life on the GPU
1D wave packet diffraction through a slit 1D diffraction of a wave packet passing within a known range at a known time. The Schrödinger Equation with a potential barrier in 1D, using the FFT for spatial differencing, RK-4 for temporal integration, and Perfectly Matched Layers (PML) for non-reflecting boundary conditions. Frequency-domain solution of the 1D Schrodinger Equation with Perfectly Matched Layers (PML) N-body gravitational trajectories N-body gravitational trajectories using RK4(5) Cash-Karp adaptive integration.
Classic fluid simulation from Visual Simulation of Smoke. The Lamb wave dispersion relation in the complex plane Computing the zeros of a complex analytic function via contour integration
Ambient Occlusion Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO) GPGPU Erosion 2D wave equation
Rayleigh waves in an elastic medium Guided Wave Transmission in a Ridge-Stiffened Plate Ultrasonic waves Flamm's parabaloid (subject to caveats, a representation of curved spacetime around a black hole)
747 (modeled with Wings 3D) Sailplane (modeled with Wings 3D) K-means clustering K-means clustering meets Lorenz Attractor
Brachistochrone (curve of fastest descent) Fresnel reflection Principle of Least Action
Double-pendulum chaos Karman-Trefftz airfoil Potential flow over a cylinder conformally mapped into an airfoil via the Karman-Trefftz transform Fitting n-dimensional Gaussian mixture models to scatter data Gaussian Mixture estimation via Expectation Maximization (EM)
Precomputing a strange attractor (TSUCS2) and then animating it as a point cloud Three-Scroll Unified Chaotic System Attractor #2 (TSUCS2) Testing GPU limits using plotly.js point clouds ❄️❄️ Fractals ❄️❄️ Because twitter Schrodinger
Transfinite interpolation 🕺 Hyperbolic Grid Generation
Carpet plots A scan operation on the GPU GPGPU prefix sum Catmull-Rom splines
GPU particle simulation Fun with the SoundCloud API, Part 2: this time with godrays Fun with the SoundCloud API, Part 1
/*airfoil*/P([rn(0,7,.01). map(i=>(x=111*c(i)-10,y=111 *s(i)+c(t/1e3)*10,$=(x*x+y* y)/1e4,[x+x/$,y-y/$]))]).a( 'd',ln()) Numerical methods for the first-order wave equation Recursion!

© 2016 Ricky Reusser. MIT License.


One repo to rule them all.


License:MIT License


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