rreemmii-dev / Clash-Of-Clans-Discord-Bot

This is a Discord bot about the game Clash Of Clans.

Home Page:https://discord.gg/KQmstPw

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Discord Python version GitHub Repo stars GitHub contributors

This project is a Discord Bot about the game Clash of Clans. It uses especially the discord.py and coc.py libraries.

If you want to test the bot, you can add it to your server. You can also join the support server to test the bot or to ask for help.

Table of contents

Installation + Setup

# Clone the main branch:
git clone https://github.com/rreemmii-dev/Clash-Of-Clans-Discord-Bot.git --single-branch

# Download the libraries:
pip install -r Clash-Of-Clans-Discord-Bot\requirements.txt

You must follow these steps to create and set up your bot:

  • Create a bot following these steps. For your invite link, add the bot and applications.commands scopes, and the required permissions given here (or the administrator permission).
  • You will need the member privileged intent to run the bot. If your bot is in more than 100 servers, you have to make a request for additional intents, which is usually satisfied within a week.
  • Unzip Emojis.zip. Then, create a server for each folder (you will have about 8 servers for emojis), and add emojis from each folder to the matching server. Finally, add your bot in each of these servers.

Once it's done, you have to edit the bot/config.json file and fill in the data/data_source/ids.json. You have also to rename the secure_folder_template to "Secure Folder" and add your credentials in your Secure Folder/login.json file.

Help to edit the bot/config.json file.

In this file, you can choose whether to activate or not some parts of the code (e.g. parts using Discord Intents). You have also some initialization of variables to do.

Field Description Requirements
main_bot Setting it to false will run a beta bot for tests, while setting it to true will run your main bot. You need two bots to use them as beta and main bots. However, you can only use a main bot, and let main_bot at true.
top_gg You can interact with the top.gg API to refresh the bot guilds count. You need to register your bot on top.gg.
top_gg_webhooks If it's enabled, you will receive a webhook when someone vote for your bot. You need to register your bot on top.gg.
Then, go to https://top.gg/bot/[bot_id]/webhooks and put http://[your_public_ip_address]:8080/topgg_webhook for "Webhook URL". Do not forget to do a port forwarding for your 8080 port.

Help to fill in the data/data_source/ids.json file.

In this file, you will have to put the ID of each user, role, server or channel.

Field Description
Creators List of bot creators ids. It is only used to give an access to some text commands like dltmsg. Slash commands for creators are set with the Bot_creators_only_server.
Bot Main bot id.
Bot_beta Beta bot id.
Support_server Support server id. You have some functions only for the support server (e.g. Auto-moderation).
Test_server A test server (slash commands synchronization is faster there). You can put your support server id or another.
Bot_creators_only_server The server where all the slash commands for bot creators are. Everybody in this server will be able to use the slash commands for creators, so make sure only bot creators are in this server.
Emojis_coc_players_related_server The server with the emojis that are related to players (Town Halls, Builder Halls, leagues and heroes).
Emojis_coc_troops_server The server with emojis of troops, spells, siege machines and pets.
Emojis_coc_clans_related_server The server with emojis that are related to clans (war leagues).
Emojis_coc_remains_server The server with all remaining emojis about Clash of Clans.
Emojis_discord_main_server The server with emojis of Discord User Interface.
Emojis_general_remains_server The server with all remaining emojis.
Member_role Member role id. This role will be given to every member of your server (excepted bots). This role must belong to your support server. You can leave this field empty to disable this feature.
Staff_role Staff role id. The auto moderation doesn't apply for members with this role. This role must belong to your support server.
Weekly_stats_channel The channel where the bot sends a weekly message with the servers number evolution.
Monthly_stats_channel The channel were the bot sends a monthly message about its usage stats.
News_channel The news channel where announcements about the bot are sent. This channel must belong to your support server.
Rules_channel The rules channel of the support server. This channel must belong to your support server.
Status_channel The channel where the bot sends a message when it's connected, and when the cache is loaded.
Guilds_bot_log_channel The channel were the bot sends a message when it joins/leaves a server with more than 100 users (bot are not considered as users). For privacy reasons, please put this channel in the server for bot creators.
Dm_bot_log_channel The channel with the logs of messages sent to the bot by DMs. For privacy reasons, please put this channel in the server for bot creators.
Votes_channel The channel where messages are sent when someone vote for the bot on top.gg, with a vote counter per user. For privacy reasons, please put this channel in the server for bot creators.
Welcome_channel The channel where the bot sends a welcome message when a new member arrives. This channel must belong to your support server.
Secure_folder_backup_channel The channel where the backups of the Secure Folder are sent every week. For privacy reasons, please put this channel in the server for bot creators.
Events_github_channel The channel where the events from GitHub webhooks will be posted.

Help about the Secure Folder

First, you have to rename the secure_folder_template to "Secure Folder".

Then, you have to fill in your Secure Folder/login.json file with your credentials. You can see in the following table when each field is required, and how to get the credential.

Field When is it required ? How to get it ?
discord > main Always Required Help here: https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/discord.html
discord > beta Used if main_bot is set to false in bot/config.json Help here: https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/discord.html
clash_of_clans > main > [email / password] Always Required You have to create an account in https://developer.clashofclans.com
clash_of_clans > beta > [email / password] Used if main_bot is set to false in bot/config.json You have to create an account in https://developer.clashofclans.com
top_gg > token Used if top_gg is set to true in bot/config.json Got from https://top.gg/bot/[bot_id]/webhooks
top_gg > authorization Used if top_gg_webhooks is set to true in bot/config.json You have to set it in https://top.gg/bot/[bot_id]/webhooks

That's it! You can now run the script

# Run the script:
python Clash-Of-Clans-Discord-Bot\main.py


See the whole directory tree

├─ bot/
|  ├─ apis_clients/
|  |  ├─ clash_of_clans.py
|  |  ├─ discord.py
|  |  └─ top_gg.py
|  ├─ core/
|  |  ├─ components/
|  |  |  ├─ buttons/
|  |  |  |  └─ joined_guild_message.py
|  |  |  ├─ select_menus/
|  |  |  |  ├─ auto_roles.py
|  |  |  |  ├─ change_bh_lvl.py
|  |  |  |  ├─ change_clan_super_troops.py
|  |  |  |  ├─ change_player_info_page.py
|  |  |  |  ├─ change_search_clan.py
|  |  |  |  └─ change_th_lvl.py
|  |  ├─ events/
|  |  |  ├─ guild/
|  |  |  |  ├─ guild_join.py
|  |  |  |  └─ guild_remove.py
|  |  |  ├─ member/
|  |  |  |  ├─ member_join.py
|  |  |  |  └─ member_remove.py
|  |  |  ├─ message/
|  |  |  |  └─ message.py
|  |  |  ├─ ready/
|  |  |  |  └─ ready.py
|  |  ├─ slash_commands/
|  |  |  ├─ bot_creators_only/
|  |  |  |  ├─ add_a_bot_id.py
|  |  |  |  ├─ add_reaction_with_id.py
|  |  |  |  ├─ delete_messages.py
|  |  |  |  ├─ download_emojis.py
|  |  |  |  ├─ find_user_by_id.py
|  |  |  |  ├─ reboot.py
|  |  |  |  ├─ refresh_dbl.py
|  |  |  |  ├─ servers_list.py
|  |  |  |  └─ stats.py
|  |  |  ├─ army_link_analyze.py
|  |  |  ├─ auto_roles.py
|  |  |  ├─ bot_info.py
|  |  |  ├─ buildings_bh.py
|  |  |  ├─ buildings_th.py
|  |  |  ├─ clan_current_war.py
|  |  |  ├─ clan_donations.py
|  |  |  ├─ clan_info.py
|  |  |  ├─ clan_members.py
|  |  |  ├─ clan_super_troops.py
|  |  |  ├─ credits.py
|  |  |  ├─ help.py
|  |  |  ├─ link_coc_account.py
|  |  |  ├─ member_info.py
|  |  |  ├─ player_info.py
|  |  |  └─ search_clan.py
|  ├─ bot.py
|  ├─ config.json
|  ├─ emojis.py
|  └─ functions.py
├─ data/
|  ├─ data_source/
|  |  ├─ clash_of_clans.sqlite
|  |  ├─ ids.json
|  |  ├─ required_permissions.json
|  |  └─ useful.json
|  ├─ clash_of_clans.py
|  ├─ config.py
|  ├─ required_permissions.py
|  ├─ secure_folder.py
|  ├─ useful.py
|  └─ views.py
├─ ressources/
|  ├─ supercell_magic_webfont.ttf
|  └─ welcome.png
├─ secure_folder_template/
|  ├─ linked_accounts.json
|  ├─ login.json
|  ├─ secure.sqlite
|  └─ votes.json
├─ Commands.md
├─ Emojis.zip
├─ FUNDING.yml
├─ README.md
├─ TERMS.md
├─ main.py
└─ requirements.txt

The first time you use the bot, please wait that "The bot is ready to be used!" is printed. Else, some things like slash commands could not work.


You can see here the list of available commands.


You can support this project by subscribing our Patreon


Distributed under the BSD 3-Clause License.


Discord: RREEMMII#7368


This is a Discord bot about the game Clash Of Clans.


License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Python 100.0%