rqgkqeej / Python-Decompiler

Python disassembler and decompiler. Supports Python3.9. Forked from pycdc.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

🐍 | Python Decompiler

⌈ Stable support for all Python3 versions.
⌊ Also 3.9 and 3.10.

❓| Usage

β€’ Download the files.
β€’ Join in the files path

β•­ For PYC Disassembler β€Ί pycdas [PATH TO PYC FILE]
β•° For PYC Decompiler β€Ί pycdc [PATH TO PYC FILE]

β—‡ Forked from pycdc


Python disassembler and decompiler. Supports Python3.9. Forked from pycdc.