rpinz / lgtv-tbc

“LG TV: Take Back Control” is a replacement HTTP server for LG webOS bootstrap mechanism that prevents unwanted forced updates, disables bloatware and prevents phoning home with unique device IDs.

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LG TV: Take Back Control

A replacement HTTP server for LG webOS bootstrap mechanism that prevents unwanted forced updates, disables bloatware and forbids phoning home with unique device IDs.

Docker Setup

docker compose build
docker compose up -d

copy the contents of the tv directory to /var/lib/webosbrew/init.d

cp tv/* /var/lib/webosbrew/init.d

Manual Setup

You'll need one or multiple machines running:

  • a DNS server to poison LG-controlled domains to your own HTTP server
  • an HTTP server reverse-proxying lgtv-tbc, to terminate SSL
  • and of course lgtv-tbc itself.

The instructions below are not completely copy-pastable, you'll need some fair amount of understanding to adapt them to your setup.

  1. Have the TV use a DNS server you control. It might be possible to do so using the TV network settings, but personally I have my own home DHCP server. I make it announce my DNS server as authoritative. To achieve this with dnsmasq, use a config similar to:

    # No DNS, only DHCP.
    # Gateway IP.
    dhcp-option=3,<gateway IP here>
    # DNS server is ourselves.
    # Change to the machine running the DNS server, if different from dnsmasq's.
  2. Configure your DNS server to poison the following domains to resolve to the machine running the HTTP server:

    *.lgtvsdp.com, *.lgappstv.com, *.lge.com, *.lgsmartad.com

    but only for requests emanating from the LG TV, or add a pass-thru exception for the machine running lgtv-tbc, so that lgtv-tbc itself can correctly resolve these domains when forwarding some of the non-problematic requests.

    To achieve this using a Response Policy Zone on BIND, use something similar to:

    ; (SOA header here)
    ; This passthru setup is not necessary if lgtv-tbc resolves through a different, non-poisoned DNS server.
    ; If lgtv-tbc runs on the same machine as this DNS server, allow localhost/16 to passthru. CNAME rpz-passthru.
    ; If lgtv-tbc runs on another machine, say, passthru that instead:
    ; CNAME rpz-passthru.
    *.lgtvsdp.com     IN      A       <IPv4 where HTTP server runs>
    *.lgappstv.com    IN      A       <IPv4 where HTTP server runs>
    *.lge.com         IN      A       <IPv4 where HTTP server runs>
    *.lgsmartad.com   IN      A       <IPv4 where HTTP server runs>
    *.lgtvsdp.com     IN      AAAA    <IPv6 where HTTP server runs>
    *.lgappstv.com    IN      AAAA    <IPv6 where HTTP server runs>
    *.lge.com         IN      AAAA    <IPv6 where HTTP server runs>
    *.lgsmartad.com   IN      AAAA    <IPv6 where HTTP server runs>
  3. Run the lgtv-tbc binary, using the -addr flag to specify the listen port. Reuse it in your reverse-proxy, as described below.

    # Stub systemd service definition.
    ExecStart=/path/to/lgtv-tbc -addr :8765
  4. Create a self-signed certificate for the poisoned domains. It will be invalid, since you obviously cannot emit genuine certificates for LG-controlled domains. If you can, please ask your management to stop creating privacy-invading walled gardens and allow people who buy LG TVs to use them as they see fit. We're lucky here as webOS does not validate the certificate for these particular start-up requests, allowing us to intercept and replace the replies.

    $ openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -days 3560 -nodes -keyout lgtv.key -out lgtv.crt \
        -subj '/CN=lgtvsdp.com' -extensions san \
        -config <(printf '[req]\ndistinguished_name=req\n[san]\nsubjectAltName=DNS:*.lgtvsdp.com,DNS:*.lge.com,DNS:*.lgsmartad.com,DNS:*.lgappstv.com\n')
  5. Configure your HTTP server with virtual hosts for the poisoned domains on both HTTP and HTTPS. To achieve this using nginx, use a config similar to:

    server {
      listen ssl;
      listen [::]:443 ssl;
      listen [::]:80;
      server_name *.lgtvsdp.com *.lgappstv.com *.lge.com *.lgsmartad.com;
      ssl_certificate /path/to/lgtv.crt;
      ssl_certificate_key /path/to/lgtv.key;
      location / {
        proxy_pass http://<ip where lgtv-tbc runs>:<lgtv-tbc port eg. 8765>;

If all goes well, lgtv-tbc should start receiving requests when you power on your TV. You might want to add the -notify flag for debugging, which creates a TV notification when lgtv-tbc successfully intercepts the start-up request.


GNU General Public License v3.0 or later.


“LG TV: Take Back Control” is a replacement HTTP server for LG webOS bootstrap mechanism that prevents unwanted forced updates, disables bloatware and prevents phoning home with unique device IDs.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Go 48.3%Language:Shell 43.7%Language:Dockerfile 7.9%