rpc08002 / covid-companion

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

COVID Companion


This is the final project for the UConn Coding Boot Camp.

A React application that...

Table of Contents

Technologies Used

  • Node
  • React
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • MongoDB Atlas
  • Axios
  • Amplify (aws)
  • Tachyon
  • Miro
  • Heroku

File Structure

Component Hierarchy

  • App
    • Container
    • NavBar
    • Footer
      • Home/About
        • Sign-In
        • Sign-Up (contains form)
      • Profile (Signed in home)
        • SearchBar
        • AvatarBio
        • Covid Info
        • (Covid Statistics - API)
        • Friend Circle
          • SingleFriend
        • ProfileFooter
          • AddToCircle
            • SearchBar (aka SearchFriend)
            • SearchedList
              • SearchedItem (aka single searched friend)
          • EditProfile (page/button to sign-up form)
          • ProfileHome (button to profile page/ sign-in home)
          • Sign-Out (button to home/about page)


  • Sign-In (Home-About)
    • Sign-In > (SignIn)
  • Sign-Up (Home-About)
    • Continue > (sign-up form)
  • Upload Image (AvatarBio)
  • AddToCircle (ProfileFooter)
    • SearchFriends (AddToCircle)
    • AddFriend + (AddToCircle)
  • EditProfile (ProfileFooter)
    • Save (EditProfile)
  • ProfileHome (ProfileFooter)

MVC Structure

├── client
|    └── public
|         ├── favicon.ico
|         ├── index.html
|         ├── logo192.png
|         ├── logo512.png
|         ├── manifest.json
|         └── robots.txt
|    └── src
|        └── components
|               ├── AvatarBio.js
|               ├── CardBtn.js (+)
|               ├── Container.js
|               ├── **(ContinueBtn.js)**
|               ├── CovidInfo.js
|               ├── Footer.js
|               ├── FriendCard.js
|               ├── FriendCircle.js
|               ├── Navbar.js
|               ├── ProfileBtn.js (profile footer btns)
|               ├── Question.js
|               ├── SearchBar.js
|               ├── SearchResults.js
|               ├── **(SubmitBtn.js)**
|               ├──
|               ├──
|               ├──
|               ├──
|               ├──
|               ├──
|               └──
│        └── pages
|               ├──── Home-About.js
|               ├──── Profile.js
|               ├──── SignIn.js
|               ├──── SignUp.js
|               ├──── Questionnaire.js
|               └──── SearchFriends.js
|        ├── App.js
|        ├── index.js
|        └── index.css
├── backend
|       └── models
│           └── dbUsers.js
|       └──utils
|           └── API.js
├── node_modules
├── .gitignore
├── (.eslintignore)
├── .eslintrc.json
├── package.json
├── (package-lock.json)
├── server.js

Presentation Requirements

![COVID-Companion](google drive link)

  • Elevator pitch: a one minute description of your application

  • Concept: What is your user story? What was your motivation for development?

  • Process: What were the technologies used? How were tasks and roles broken down and assigned? What challenges did you encounter? What were your successes?

  • Demo: Show your stuff!

  • Directions for Future Development

  • Links to to the deployed application and the GitHub repository. Use this guide for deploying your application to Heroku if you need a reminder on how to deploy!




Bruno Borges Ryan Curtin Cris Franco Julie Ann Iwinski Pete Izzo Danny Smooke

Special thanks to Chris Bonafacio and Nathan Sartain for helping with AWS Amplify and authentication.



© 2021 Trilogy Education Services, LLC, a 2U, Inc. brand. Confidential and Proprietary. All Rights Reserved.



Language:JavaScript 55.9%Language:HTML 41.0%Language:CSS 3.1%