rp- / HoNStatsScala

Heroes of Newerth console statistics program

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


HoNStats written in scala is depricated, it is based on the xml api from HoN, that doesn't exist anymore. For a working commandline tool refer to the new honstats written in python.


HoNStats is a console application written in Scala and therefore running on the JVM, to retrieve and show player and match statistics of the game Heroes of Newerth.


You need sbt to build HoNStats. If you have sbt installed and in your PATH just run:

sbt proguard

And sbt will create a target folder with a file HoNStats.VERSION.min.jar in it. You can execute this file with java like:

java -jar HoNStats.VERSION.min.jar


Usage: HoNStats [options] [command] [command options]
    -d, --debug       Show debug output
                      Default: false
    -f, --fetch       Don't use cache
                      Default: false
    -l, --limit       Maximum output of items
                      Default: 5
    -q, --quiet       Tries to minimize output lines for errors/warnings
                      Default: false
    -s, --statstype   StatsType to show: [ranked,public,casual]
                      Default: ranked
    player      Show player stats
      Usage: player [options] Nicknames to show stats
    matches      Show matches of player
      Usage: matches [options] Nicknames
    match      Show stats for a match
      Usage: match [options] Matchid's to show matches
    player-heroes      Show played heroes for a player
      Usage: player-heroes [options] Nicknames
          -b, --sort-by   Sort by [use,kdr,k,d,a,kpg,dpg,apg]
                          Default: use

Example output


HoNStats player Maliken


Nick       MMR   K     D    A    KDR    MGP AID
Maliken    1671   691/ 599/1029  1.15   142 6


HoNStats matches erpe


 MID       GD    Date               K  D  A  Hero W/L Wards  CK/CD GPM
 56896158  40:52 2011-08-16 16:10  10/ 7/10  Plag W       8  69/33 220
 53400788  30:41 2011-07-22 17:09   0/ 2/ 6  Hamm W       0  98/15 280
 51763720  47:39 2011-07-07 19:12   2/ 9/11  Nymp W       3  71/ 6 180

Match Command:

HoNStats match 59650952


Match 59650952 -- 2011-09-04 19:33 - GD: 48:50
Legion(W)           Hero  K  D  A  CK CD GPM GL2D  Hellbourne          Hero  K  D  A  CK CD GPM GL2D
1647 sandla         Arac  6  6  9 177  9 363 1337  1635 jepakki        Scou 15  7  8 177  3 289 3176
1628 thrux          Bloo 13  7 15 221 19 346 3030  1513 Smokeflow      Silh  6 11  9 154 15 214 3398
1601 Lujo           Krak  9  4 25 120 11 314 1110  1532 Killha         Alun  2 12 14  73  1 149 2952
1583 llcsoordy      Corr 16  8 16 127  3 305 2970  1597 toph           Hamm  2  8  7 190  7 234 2394
1631 Neiolol        Witc  4  6 20  17  1 188 1253  1662 BloodMan       Legi  6 10  3 228  0 280 2658


Heroes of Newerth console statistics program


Language:Scala 100.0%