royki / triangletest

Minimal Path of a trianle

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Minimum/Maximum Triangle Paths

  • Environment

    • Scala: 2.13.3
    • Sbt: 1.3.13
  • Run

    • sbt run
  • Test

    • sbt test
  • To be continued

    • Using Libs like Akka Actor
    • Refactor code
  • Preview of Run

Triangle is:
6 3
3 8 5
11 2 10 9

Minimal path is: 18
  • Preview of Test
- minimalpath of a triangle with 1 value 0 (167 milliseconds)
- minimalpath a triangle with 1 value nonzero (2 milliseconds)
- minimalpath of a triangle with big value (7 milliseconds)
- minimalpath of a triangle with 500 value (369 milliseconds)
- minimalpath of a pascal triangle (3 milliseconds)
Execution took 0.55s
5 tests, 5 passed
All tests in suprnation.triangletest.MinpathcalulationSuite passed

Total duration: 0.55s
All 1 test suites passed.


Minimal Path of a trianle


Language:Scala 100.0%