royharoush / recon-pipeline

An automated target reconnaissance pipeline.

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Automated Reconnaissance Pipeline

version Python application python luigi cmd2 Code style: black

There are an accompanying set of blog posts detailing the development process and underpinnings of the pipeline. Feel free to check them out if you're so inclined, but they're in no way required reading to use the tool.

Check out recon-pipeline's readthedocs entry for some more in depth information than what this README provides.


Automatic installation tested on kali 2019.4 and Ubuntu 18.04

There are two primary phases for installation:

  1. prior to cmd2 being installed
  2. everything else

First, the manual steps to get cmd2 installed in a virtual environment are as follows (and shown below), starting with pipenv


apt install pipenv

Ubuntu 18.04

sudo apt install python3-pip
pip install --user pipenv
echo "PATH=${PATH}:~/.local/bin" >> ~/.bashrc

Both OSs after pipenv install

git clone
cd recon-pipeline
pipenv install cmd2


Once manual installation of cmd2 is complete, the recon-pipeline shell provides its own install command (seen below). A simple install all will handle all installation steps.

Ubuntu-18.04 Note: You may consider running sudo -v prior to running ./ sudo -v will refresh your creds, and the underlying subprocess calls during installation won't prompt you for your password. It'll work either way though.


Command Execution

Command execution is handled through the recon-pipeline shell (seen below).


Target File and Exempt List File (defining scope)

The pipeline expects a file that describes the target's scope to be provided as an argument to the --target-file option. The target file can consist of domains, ip addresses, and ip ranges, one per line.

Some bug bounty scopes have expressly verboten subdomains and/or top-level domains, for that there is the --exempt-list option. The exempt list follows the same rules as the target file.

Using a Scheduler

The backbone of this pipeline is spotify's luigi batch process management framework. Luigi uses the concept of a scheduler in order to manage task execution. Two types of scheduler are available, a local scheduler and a central scheduler. The local scheduler is useful for development and debugging while the central scheduler provides the following two benefits:

  • Make sure two instances of the same task are not running simultaneously
  • Provide visualization of everything that’s going on

While in the recon-pipeline shell, running install luigi-service will copy the luigid.service file provided in the repo to its appropriate systemd location and start/enable the service. The result is that the central scheduler is up and running easily.

The other option is to add --local-scheduler to your scan command from within the recon-pipeline shell.

Special Thanks

  • @aringo for his help on the precursor to this tool
  • @kernelsndrs for identifying a few bugs after initial launch


An automated target reconnaissance pipeline.

License:MIT License


Language:HTML 57.7%Language:Python 42.3%