roycohen2013 / packer-plugin-s3

HashiCorp Packer plugin providing a provisioner for S3 file retrival

Repository from Github https://github.comroycohen2013/packer-plugin-s3Repository from Github https://github.comroycohen2013/packer-plugin-s3


This plugin provides a simple provisioner, that retrieves objects from s3 and stores them at the given destination.


packer {
  required_plugins {
    s3 = {
      version = "1.0.0"
      source = ""

provisioner "s3" {
  access_key = "<my-access-key>"
  secret_key = "<my-secret-key>"
  endpoint = "" // do not include scheme i.e. https://
  secure = false // defaults to true
  objects {
    source = "mybucket/myfolder/somefile"
    destination = "/etc/myobject2"
  objects {
    source = "mybucket2/myfolder/somefile"
    destination = "/etc/myobject2"


Running the tests:

  • make test to run acceptance and unit tests
  • make test_unit to only run unit tests
  • make test_acc to only run acceptance tests (needs to have Docker installed)

Installing the plugin locally:

  • make install

When changing the provisioners config you have to run make gen after, so the hcl2spec.go file gets generated.

If you encounter the following error while trying to build the plugin

cannot use cty.Value{} (value of type cty.Value) as gob.GobEncoder value in variable declaration

checkout this link hashicorp/packer-plugin-sdk#187


HashiCorp Packer plugin providing a provisioner for S3 file retrival

License:MIT License


Language:Go 95.7%Language:Makefile 4.3%