A python 2.7 program to check for servers bypassing the Mojang domain ban
Programmed By: Reecepbcups - August 25th 2018
This program is used to gather Minecraft server EULA block bypasses and output into a text file. This is usually done by using a ddns.net domain to work around the main domain to the server IP. (Main IP -> New.ddns.net -> Server IP Address) This programs aims to stop this with a more automated way of finding these bypasses and provides an easy output into a txt file.
- Run main(), which will call the outputToFile(), ab_all_blocked_Servers(), and check() functions
- IPs in the Bypassed_Ips.txt file need to be blocked as they are bypassing using the DNS work around :)
You Will need to have: Python 2.x.x request, json, pprint modules (Sudo pip install request, json, pprint)