royalan / first_spray

Give Spray a try.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

First Spray

This project shows how spray work with spray can or spray routing.


Source :

Two option for web container

  • spray-can
  • Jetty


  1. Create simple sbt project named "first-spray".
  2. Add dependecy to build.sbt
  • spray-can for web container
  • spray-routing for http request dispatch
  • akka-actor for actor system
  • others are for testing
libraryDependencies ++= {
val akkaV = "2.3.9"
val sprayV = "1.3.3"
  "io.spray"            %%  "spray-can"     % sprayV,
  "io.spray"            %%  "spray-routing" % sprayV,
  "io.spray"            %%  "spray-testkit" % sprayV  % "test",
  "com.typesafe.akka"   %%  "akka-actor"    % akkaV,
  "com.typesafe.akka"   %%  "akka-testkit"  % akkaV   % "test",
  "org.specs2"          %%  "specs2-core"   % "2.3.11" % "test"
  1. After adding dependencies, project would rebuild soon and we could observ that src folder had been auto created.
  2. Create a object which extended App as a main class to boot web server.
  • Declare ActorSystem
  • Declare a service actor.
  • Declare a timeout val for http request, this is required parameter.
  • Config Http server include interface and port and binding our service actor.
  1. Create a trait that defines our service behavior and extends HttpService.

    Following is the example

val myRoute =
  path("") {  // request path
    get {     // request method
      respondWithMediaType(`text/html`) { // XML is marshalled to `text/xml` by default, so we simply override here
        complete {
              <h1>Say hello to <i>spray-routing</i> on <i>spray-can</i>!</h1>
  1. Create an Actor Class extended Actor and your service trait.

    Following functions should be define because of extending HttpService

  • actorRefFactory for actor context
  • receive for handling request
  1. Run main object.
  2. Go to the web interface(ex:localhost:8080) and checkout the result.


Give Spray a try.


Language:Scala 100.0%