rovo79 / openmass

The Official Website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

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The official website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

This is the codebase for the Drupal 9 web site The site's theme, mass_theme, is powered by Mayflower, a companion repo available at

See the Table of Contents for additional documentation related to this repository.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repo: git clone

  2. Move into the project directory: cd openmass

  3. Create a .env file in the ~/.ddev dir of the project by copying the example file shipped with the mass repo. This file contains more options; we suggest that you review it and adjust accordingly. Note that the .env file is ignored in .gitignore; and will not be tracked or pushed to Github.

    $ cp .env.example .env

Docker (optional)

  1. Install Docker.
  2. Install DDEV. On Windows, use the WSL2 method.
  3. Inject your ssh keys into the container via ddev auth ssh. Read more about ddev CLI.
  4. Start DDEV and install packages.
    ddev start
    ddev composer install
    ddev yarn
  5. To get information about this project.
    ddev describe

Native (optional)

If the Docker section above is unappealing, its easy to run natively on any OS. You need to provide your own PHP, web server and DB server (and optional memcache). On OSX, these install instructions are good (stop at the section called PHP Switcher Script), along with this mysql section. Point your web server at the /docroot directory. To get environment variables to be recognized, use direnv or equivalent. See .ddev/.env.example for important variables.

Ahoy (optional)

  1. You may use DDEV commands, or our legacy Ahoy commands. In order for Ahoy to work, install Ahoy:
    sudo wget -q -O /usr/local/bin/ahoy && sudo chown $USER /usr/local/bin/ahoy && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ahoy
  2. The Ahoy commands also work for native development environments. Set an environment variable: MASS_DEV_ENV=native
  3. Run ahoy up to start the Docker containers (n.b. takes about 30 minutes to pull down the latest database).
  4. Run ahoy comi to fetch all dependencies.
  • The site is browseable at https://mass.local
  • It takes a a minute for the dbmass container start up.
  • You may override ddev config locally. create a .ddev/config.personal.yml file and add whatever you need.
  • Similarly, rename .ddev/.env.example to .env in order to use ARM containers suitable for the Apple M1 Macs. This is also how you specify the less sanitized variant of our database.
  • Since we use a custom dbmass service and not DDEV's usual db, some DDEV DB commands will not work here. @todo try to improve this.
  • Use ddev service enable backstop to start the backstop image locally. Same for selenium-chrome.
  • Mass Digital team members: see additional information at Mass Digital Developers.

Pull Requests

Anyone is welcome and encouraged to submit a pull request for this project. Members of the public should fork the project and submit a PR. Your PR will automatically build and get limited testing. Once that is green, a team member will code review your PR. Once satisfied, the team member will copy your branch into the openmass repo so the full test suite may run. Once that is green, your PR is is eligible to be merged.


This is a suggestion for how you can transition between branches when working on tickets. From the host, run:

git checkout DP-8111-cool-branch-work
ahoy pull
ahoy comi
ahoy yarn
ahoy updatedb


Blackfire is available for performance profiling of CLI or web requests. See and for information on how to enable it, and the Performance documentation on how to use it.


To access MailHog using the browser, use the URL shown in ddev describe.


To access Portainer using the browser, use the URL shown in ddev describe.


Our site uses Memcache for some of the cache buckets. Memcache runs as a separate server in Docker (called memcached). See settings.vm.php and settings.acquia.php for which buckets are being sent to Memcache.

For debugging memcache, we use a set of Drush commands:

# Show information about hit/miss ratios and memory usage.
drush memcache:health
# Show full statistics.
drush memcache:stats
# List keys stored in memcache
drush memcache:keys
# List key sizes:
drush memcache:sizes


Disk Space

If you run out of disk space, try running docker system prune to remove unused Docker images, containers and volumes.

SSH Keys

If you are using a dedicated SSH Key pair and you have named it other than ~/.ssh/id_rsa, specify the private key name and path in the .env file located in the root of the project.

hosts file

View /etc/hosts for Mac/Linux or c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts in Windows; and verify that there is only one entry for mass.local and it displays as follows: mass.local


If you know where a problem is happening in your code in Twig or PHP, refer to these steps.

Windows troubleshooting

  • All host machine command line steps should be done from an elevated (admin) prompt.
  • Make sure that you have run git config --local core.symlinks true to enable symlinks when you check out the repository.
  • If the symlinks from the theme to the Pattern Lab assets are not working after running composer, delete the non-working symlinks and git checkout again.
  • You will find it helpful to copy docroot/.gitattributes to the root of the project. [@todo - add this to the automation]


The Official Website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:PHP 63.9%Language:Twig 22.0%Language:JavaScript 6.0%Language:CSS 4.1%Language:Gherkin 2.7%Language:Shell 0.6%Language:HTML 0.4%Language:Dockerfile 0.2%