round5 / code

Code of Round5

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Round5 is a compact and fast post-quantum public-key encryption scheme and a NIST PQC second round candidate. Round5 relies on the General Learning with Rounding (GLWR) problem to unify the well-studied Learning with Rounding (LWR) and Ring Learning with Rounding (RLWR) lattice-problems. It enables a single description and implementation of Round5's IND-CPA KEM, IND-CCA KEM and an IND-CCA PKE algorithms. This unified approach allows the Round5 proposal to fulfil the requirements of many different applications.

Round5 currently defines 21 parameter sets. A parameter set is denoted as:



  • {1,D} refers whether it is a non-ring (1) or ring (D) parameter set.
  • {1,3,5} refers to the NIST security level that is strictly fulfilled.
  • {CPA,CCA} refers to the cryptographic algorithm it instantiates.
  • {0,5} identifies the number of correctable bits, 0 means no errors are corrected and this description is equivalent to the original Round2; 5 means that up to 5 errors can be corrected.
  • {version} is a letter to indicate the version of published parameters. Round5 parameters for the second round of NIST PQC are version "d".

Round5's IND-CPA KEM algorithm relies on R5N{1,D}_{1,3,5}CPA_{0,5}{version}parameter sets. Round5's IND-CCA KEM and IND-CCA KEM algorithms require R5N{1,D}_{1,3,5}CCA_{0,5}{version}parameter sets. The reason for defining both an IND-CPA and an IND-CCA KEM is because ephemeral handshakes can be made up to 40% more efficient, in particular, bandwidth wise.

This code base includes three implementations.

  • The reference implementation focuses on describing the underlying operations in Round5. This code is capable to run any parameter set at run time. This code does not run fast.
  • The optimized code includes optimizations for speed and countermeasures against side-channel attacks. It also includes optimizations using AVX2 instructions.
  • The configurable code provides good performance as well, but it is capable to execute at runtime any parameter set.

In Round5, TupleHash (SP800-185, FIPS 202) is used to generate the pseudorandom data required to sample public parameters or secret keys as well as in the implementation of the different hash functions involved in Round5 ensuring domain separation. The code includes a standalone implementation of TupleHash so that Round5 KEM algorithms can run without external libraries.

In addition to this implementation, Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen also maintains the r5embed implementation that is specially crafted for embedded platforms.


  • Prerequisites
  • Building the implementations
  • Running the example application and targets
  • KATs


To be able to build and run the implementations of the algorithm, the following conditions must be met:

  • The OpenSSL library (1.1.1, or later) must be installed. Use sudo apt-get install libssl-dev for most Linux distributions. On a Mac, an easy way is to use brew, install it with brew install openssl@1.1 and then add it to the CPATH and LIBRARY_PATH environment variables:

    export CPATH=${CPATH+$CPATH:}/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/include
    export LIBRARY_PATH=${LIBRARY_PATH+$LIBRARY_PATH:}/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/lib
  • The Keccak library must be installed on your system if you do not want to use the standalone implementation of TupleHash. This is done as follows:

    1. Linux: Install xsltproc (e.g. sudo apt-get install xsltproc, on a Mac it should already be installed with XCode).

    2. Clone the XKCP git repository.

    3. Build the library, e.g. using make generic64/libkeccak.a (for alternatives, see the github page).

    4. Add the library to your CPATH and LIBRARY_PATH environment variables:

    export CPATH=${CPATH+$CPATH:}<XKCP_DIRECTORY>/bin/generic64

    Note: if you already have installed the keccak library, make sure it is a version where issue #51 has been fixed. If this issue has not been fixed, the reference implementations will not produce the same results as the other implementations.

Building the implementations

After installing the prerequisites, you can build the implementations using make. If you build an IND-CPA parameter set, then you will build the IND-CPA KEM algorithm only. If you build an IND-CCA parameter set, then you will build both the IND-CCA KEM and the IND-CCA PKE algorithms.

Make targets

Several targets are available including:

  • build: Builds the available implementations. This is the default target.

  • reference: Build just the “reference” implementation.

  • configurable: Build just the “configurable” implementation.

  • optimized: Build just the “optimized” implementation.

  • clean: Removes all build artifacts.

Make variables

The following make variables can be used to influence the build of the implementations.

  • ALG: With this variable, the parameter set implemented by the NIST api is specified. For instance, to use R5ND_1CCA_5d write:

    make ALG=R5ND_1CCA_5d

    The default is R5ND_1CPA_0d. Otherwise, it can be one of: R5ND_1CPA_0d, R5ND_3CPA_0d, R5ND_5CPA_0d, R5ND_1CCA_0d, R5ND_3CCA_0d, R5ND_5CCA_0d, R5ND_1CPA_5d, R5ND_3CPA_5d, R5ND_5CPA_5d, R5ND_1CCA_5d, R5ND_3CCA_5d, R5ND_5CCA_5d, R5N1_1CPA_0d, R5N1_3CPA_0d, R5N1_5CPA_0d, R5N1_1CCA_0d, R5N1_3CCA_0d, R5N1_5CCA_0d, R5ND_0CPA_2iot, R5ND_0CCA_4iot, R5ND_1CPA_4longkey, R5N1_3CCA_0smallCT.

  • ALG_TYPE, NIST_LEVEL, CPA_CCA and XEF: Instead of specifying ALG, it is possible to select ALG_TYPE, NIST_LEVEL, CPA_CCA, and XEF. For instance:

    • ALG_TYPE: Specifies the algorithm type (ND means ring-based, N1 means non-ring based) implemented by the NIST api. The default is ND.

    • NIST_LEVEL: Specifies the NIST security level. It can be 1, 3, or 5. The default is 1.

    • CPA_CCA: Specifies the type of parameter set. It can be CPA or CCA. The default is CPA and it is suitable for the IND-CPA secure Round5 KEM. The CCA parameter sets are required in the IND-CCA secure Round5 KEM and PKE.

    • XEF: When defined, specifies that the error correction variants of the parameter sets should be used (e.g. R5ND_1CPA_5d will be used instead of R5ND_1CPA_0d).

  • TAU and TAU2_LEN: The variables TAU, TAU2_LEN control the way matrix A is computed. For instance:

    make TAU=1 
    • TAU: Specifies the value of the TAU parameter (0, 1, or 2), i.e. the method for the generation of A.

    • TAU2_LEN: Specifies the length of the random vector when A is generated with TAU equals 2 (defaults to the value of algorithm parameter q).

      Note: this must be a power of two and larger than algorithm parameter d.

  • AES: This variable defines the way a random seed is expanded to generate A. The default approach is to use TupleHash. If the "AES" flag is set, then the seed is expanded by means of AES in CTR mode.

  • STANDALONE: If the STANDALONE flag is set, then TupleHash is implemented by means of standalone implementation included in this codebase. Otherwise, the TupleHash implementation available in the XKCP library is used.

  • CM_CACHE and CM_CT: Timing and cache attack countermeasures can be enabled by means of the CM_CACHE and CM_CT flags. These flags are only applicable to the optimized implementation. For instance: make CM_CACHE=1

    • If no flag is used, then the implementation is suitable for platforms without a cache.
    • The CM_CACHE introduces countermeasures against cache-attacks, but it is not fully constant-time.
    • The CM_CT flag delivers a fully constant time implementatiton.
    • To indicate that the 64-bit shift left operator with a variable amount can be considered constant-time on your platform, set SHIFT_LEFT64_CONSTANT_TIME to anything other than the empty string SHIFT_LEFT64_CONSTANT_TIME=1
  • CM_MALFORMED: Setting the CM\_MALFORMED flag enables checkTupleHashs in the optimized implementation that detect malformed parameters B and U. These malformed parameters might be caused by implementation errors or certain attacks.

  • AVX2: To enable the use of AVX2 optimizations, set AVX2 to anything other than the empty string. For instance: make AVX2=1. This flag is only applicable to the optimized implementation and requires an AVX2 compatible CPU/compiler.

    Note 1: that this option implies CM_CT.

    Note 2: the generation of A can be done block-wise by using an AVX2 implementation of TupleHash. Do make STANDALONE=1 AVX2=1

  • KATs: To compile the code for generating NIST KATs, set NIST_KAT_GENERATION to anything other than the empty string. For instance:


    This replaces the “true” random bytes generator with the NIST (deterministic) random bytes generator and enables the output of intermediate results.

  • TIMING: The TIMING flag can be set to obtain timing performance of Round5 KEMs. To this end, run make TIMING=1. This will provide timing values averaged out over 1000 executions. If you want to get the timing values averaged out over N executions, then run make TIMING=N

  • DEBUG: Finally, the following flag is used for debugging purposes: DEBUG. When set to anything other than the empty string, this variable enables the debug build of the implementation. The debug build generates additional debugging output when run. For instance:

    make DEBUG=1

Running the example application and targets

There are several examples in the examples directory. The applications are found in the build directory of the implementations.

In the optimized implementation, you can run it for the parameters chosen while making it as:


If you made the application with the TIMING flag, running this application will give you the timing.

In the reference and configurable implementations, the application can be executed for any configuration at runtime and takes the following arguments:

  • -a <PARAMETER-SET-NAME> to specify the name of the parameter set to use. Here is the name of the parameter set to use (i.e. one of R5ND_1CPA_0d, R5ND_3CPA_0d, R5ND_5CPA_0d, R5ND_1CCA_0d, R5ND_3CCA_0d, R5ND_5CCA_0d, R5ND_1CPA_5d, R5ND_3CPA_5d, R5ND_5CPA_5d, R5ND_1CCA_5d, R5ND_3CCA_5d, R5ND_5CCA_5d, R5N1_1CPA_0d, R5N1_3CPA_0d, R5N1_5CPA_0d, R5N1_1CCA_0d, R5N1_3CCA_0d, R5N1_5CCA_0d, R5ND_0CPA_2iot, R5ND_1CPA_4longkey, R5N1_3CCA_0smallCT).

  • -t N to specify the tau variant, where N is a number between 0 and 2, as described in the specification (ignored for parameter sets that make use of the ring construction).

For instance, in reference you can run:

./sample_kem -a R5ND_1CPA_4longkey

Round5 is a flexible scheme so that the user can pick up the best parameter set and configuration for different platforms and applications. Next, we give some examples assuming the usage of the optimized implementation.

  • For an embedded target requiring an ephemeral handshake do:

    make ALG=R5ND_0CPA_2iot STANDALONE=1

    and use the IND-CPA KEM by running ./build/sample_kem.

  • For a PC requiring a long-term public-key and fast operation, use:

    make ALG=R5ND_3CCA_5d AVX2=1

    and use Round5's IND-CCA KEM by running ./build/sample_kem.

  • If you need long-term encryption, with high-security, and you do not worry about the exchange of the public-key, and you need a short ciphertext, then use:

    make ALG=R5N1_3CCA_0smallCT AVX2=1

    and use Round5's IND-CCA PKE by running ./build/sample_pke.


Next to the implementations, there is an additional folder called scripts_kats. This folder contains scripts to generate and check kats. It also contains the fingerprints of the KATs.


Code of Round5



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