rossxhunter / iprove

Logical Theorem Prover

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Installing the app

  1. Clone the repository git clone
  2. Run npm install to sync the dependencies.
  3. Run npm install -g nodemon to install the node.js watcher

Installing ANTLR

  1. cd /usr/local/lib
  2. sudo curl -O
  3. export CLASSPATH=".:/usr/local/lib/antlr-4.7.1-complete.jar:$CLASSPATH"
  4. alias antlr4='java -Xmx500M -cp "/usr/local/lib/antlr-4.7.1-complete.jar:$CLASSPATH" org.antlr.v4.Tool'
  5. alias grun='java org.antlr.v4.gui.TestRig'

Running the app

  1. In one terminal window, run nodemon server.js.
  2. In another terminal, run npm run build-dev.
  3. To run the tests, run npm test

Building the parser

  1. Rename src/parser/iProveVisitor.js temporarily to visitor.js
  2. Run antlr4 -Dlanguage=JavaScript -visitor src/parser/iProve.g4
  3. Delete src/parser/iProveVisitor.js
  4. Rename src/parser/visitor.js to iProveVisitor.js

Translation data structure

{ type: 'literal', value: true }                                                    (assert true)
{ type: 'literal', value: false }                                                   (assert false)
{ type: 'literal', value: 'P' }                                                     (assert P)
{ type: 'binary', symbol: 'implies', lhs: expr1, rhs: expr2 }                       (assert (=> expr1 expr2))
{ type: 'binary', symbol: 'iff', lhs: expr1, rhs: expr2 }                           (assert (iff expr1 expr2))
{ type: 'binary', symbol: 'and', lhs: expr1, rhs: expr2 }                           (assert (and expr1 expr2))
{ type: 'binary', symbol: 'or', lhs: expr1, rhs: expr2 }                            (assert (or expr1 expr2))
{ type: 'unary', symbol: 'not', value: expr }                                       (assert (not expr))
{ type: 'assume', value: expr }                                                     (assert (expr))

First Order:
{ type: 'quantifier', symbol: 'forall', variable: 'x', value: expr}                 (assert (forall ((x Type)) (expr)))
{ type: 'quantifier', symbol: 'exists', variable: 'x', value: expr}                 (assert (exists ((x Type)) (expr)))
{ type: 'variable', value: 'x'}                                                     x
{ type: 'relation', name: 'animal', params: [{variable|constant}]}                  (animal x y)
{ type: 'constant', value: 'Frank' }                                                Frank

define friends(Person, Person): Bool

{type:'funcDef', name:'friends', params:[{type: 'type', value: 'Person'}, {type: 'type', value: 'Person'}], returnType: {type:'type', value: 'Bool'}}
(declare-fun friends (Person Person) Bool)

let John, Bob: Person
friends(John, Bob)

Types for Quantifier:
forall x:Int (positive(x) <=> nonzero(x))
{ type: 'quantifier', symbol: 'forall', variable: {type:variable, value:x, varType:Int}, value: expr} 

forall x:Int forall y:human forall z:money (Store(x,y) <=> make(z))

Steps for translation

  1. Print declare-sort Type
  2. Loop through relations and foreach print (declare-fun name (Type (, Type)*) Bool)
  3. Loop through constants and foreach print (declare-const [symbol] Type)
  4. Loop through literals and foreach print (declare-const [symbol] Bool)
  5. Loop through rules and print (assert [rule])
  6. Negate final rule
  7. End with (check-sat)
  8. Response "unsat" if goal is true



Logical Theorem Prover


Language:JavaScript 95.0%Language:ANTLR 1.9%Language:CSS 1.8%Language:SCSS 1.0%Language:HTML 0.3%