rossjdavis / checkpoint-rails

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Rails Checkpoint


Fork and clone this repository and follow the instructions below. Make at least one commit for each section. When finished, push your commits to your forked repository and submit a Pull Request back to the original repository.

Section I (Models & Migrations)

Note: This repo already contains an empty rails app.

  1. In the terminal run the command to create your database.
  2. Create two models for Post and Comment where comments are owned by posts.
  3. Database table for Post should have two attributes: content (string) and is_published (boolean) and table for Comment should have an attribute body (string).
  4. From the command line, run the appropriate rails command to generate your schema.
  5. Create two Post instances in your seed file, then run your seed file from the command line.

Section II (Routes, Controllers & Views)

Remember to start your Rails server to inspect your application in the browser.

  1. Set up routes and controller actions for the index, show, new, and create for the Post model only. (Note: only use instance variables @posts and @post for sending data to the view)
  2. Create views for the index, show and new actions. (Note: index and show views MUST render the post('s) content property, and the new view must have a namespaced form field for content)

Test Your Code Early. Test Your Code Often

Before you begin, run the test suite (instructions below) to see all the checks that will be run against your work.

Pay close attention to lines showing Error - uninitialized constant NAME. This tells you a file hasn't been created or the contents haven't been defined properly. There are tests waiting to run which can't proceed until you set up those files.

Your job is to get the results showing 0 failures, and have no lines showing Error - uninitialized constant

Once you think you've satisfied one of the above steps, run the test suite to double-check your work.

To run the tests, first ensure all gems from the Gemfile are installed:

bundle install

Then call the test runner each time you want to check your code.

For Section I only

rspec --format documentation spec/models_migrations_spec.rb

For Section II only

rspec --format documentation spec/routes_controllers_views_spec.rb

Display test results for both sections at Once

rspec --format documentation



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