ross-humphrey / django_3_by_example

Follow along from the book Django 3 By Example

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Follow along from the book Django 3 By Example

Installation Instructions

  • Install dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt

Creating a Project

  • django-admin startproject mysite

Running Migrations

  • cd mysite

  • python migrate

Start Development Server

  • python runserver

To run with a custom host, port or use a specific settings file use the following

  • python runserver \--settings=mysite.settings

Django Project Structure

  • - Thin wrapper around
  • mysite/ - Project directory
    • - Tells Python to treat the mysite directory as Python module
    • - Configuration to run project as ASGI (Python standard for async web servers and apps)
    • - Settings and config for project and contains default settings
    • - Where URL patterns live. Each URL is mapped to a view
    • - Config to run your project as a WSGI application

Create an application

  • python startapp blog
  • blog/ - Application structure
    • - Register models to include them in the Django admin site
    • - Main configuration of the blog application
    • migrations - Directory contains database migrations - tracking model changes
    • - Includes the data models of your applications. All Django apps must have a file (but can be empty)
    • - Where to add tests to application
    • - The logic of your application goes here - each view receives an HTTP request, processes it and returns a response

Activate an application

  • This allows Django to keep track of the application and be able to create database tables for the models. To do the application add the new app (blog.apps.BlogConfig) to the INSTALLED_APPS setting.

  • Then create and apply the migrations. This looks at all applications in INSTALLED_APPS and syncs the database with the current models and existing migrations.

  • Create an initial migration for the Post model.

    • python makemigrations blog
    • Check the SQL output from your first migration without executing using python sqlmigrate blog 0001
    • sync the databsase with the new model using python migrate
    • Upon every change to the file you must create a new migration using makemigrations. This allows Django to keep track of all model changes. It must then be applied using migrate to keep the db in sync with the models

Adding models to the admin site

  • Edit the file of the blog application (see file)

How to create a superuser

  • Run python createsuperuser

Working with Querysets and managers

  • The Django ORM is based on QuerySets. A QuerySet is a collection of database queries that retrieve objects from your db.

  • Querysets can have filters applied to them to narrow down the results based on params given.

  • Run python shell to open up the Django 'shell'

  • An object can be created by then using

    • from django.contrib.auth.models import User
    • from blog.models import Post
    • user = User.objects.get(username='admin') # Retrieve the user object - get is used to return ONLY one
    • post = Post(title='Another post', slug='another-post',body='Post body.',author=user)
  • To Update simply use . notation as follows:

    • post.title = 'New title'
  • To retrieve all objects from a table use all() from the default objects manager

    • all_posts = Post.objects.all() # This is lazy - and is evaluated when it hast to be (ie using all_posts on shell)
  • To filter a QuerySet you can use the filter() method

    • Post.objects.filter(publish__year=2021)
    • This will return a query set as follows <QuerySet [<Post: New title>, <Post: Who was Django Reinhardt?>]>
    • To filter by multiple fields - you can use the following
    • Post.objects.filter(publish__year=2021, author__username='admin') # This returns the same as above
  • To exclude results in a QuerySet you can use exclude()

    • Post.objects.filter(publish__year=2021).exclude(title__startswith='Who') # Returns one less result than the above
  • You can order results by using order_by() within the manager

    • Post.objects.order_by('title')
  • As ascending order is implied - you can use the - sign to order in descending order

    • Post.objects.order_by('-title')
  • Objects can be deleted using the delete() method

    • post = Post.objects.get(id=1)
    • post.delete()
  • In running delete any dependent relationships for ForeignKey objects defined with on_delete set to CASCADE will be deleted

When are QuerySets evaluated?

  • The QuerySet does not hit the database until it is evaluated - where it is translated to a SQL query
  • QuerySets are evaluated in the following cases:
    • First time you iterate over them
    • When they are sliced Post.objects.all()[:3] for example

Model Manager Creation

  • objects is the default manager of every model that retrieves all objects in the database.

  • Custom managers can be created - in this case all posts with the published status

  • There are two ways to add or customize managers:

    • Add extra manager methods to an existing manager
      • Provides you with a QuerySet API (Posts.objects.my_manager())
    • Create a new manager by modifying the initial QuerySet that the manager returns.
      • Provides you with Post.my_manager.all(), you can retrieve posts using Post.published.all()
  • The custom manager can be used as follows:

Create documentation

  • Go to docs -> run make html

Install postgres

  • Install using the

Run the following:

  • psql blog
  • CREATE EXTENSION pg_trgm; This will add the trigram extension to postgres


Follow along from the book Django 3 By Example


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