roshandelpoor / api-gateway-php

PHP microservices based on lumen framework (Restful API CRUD operations) providing gateway functionlity such as connecting to other microservices and auth which is a part of the 3 microservices project can be used as a stand alone or part of the microservices architecture

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Lumen Api Gateway Microservice

This project was done as a part of 3 Microservices project using Lumen and Laradock Can be used as a stand a lone project and part of the Microservices project.

What is an API Gateway

An API gateway takes all API calls from clients, then routes them to the appropriate microservice with request routing, composition, and protocol translation. Typically it handles a request by invoking multiple microservices and aggregating the results, to determine the best path. It can translate between web protocols and web‑unfriendly protocols that are used internally. This part is the first point that the client connect to when trying to use the microserivces of a given system also provides auth services for the client and manges access to the microservices.


Lumen is designed for building lightning fast micro-services and APIs

Laradock is a full PHP development environment for Docker that Includes prepackaged Docker Images, all preconfigured to provide a wonderful PHP development environment. Laradock is well known in the Laravel/lumen community, as the project started with single focus on running Laravel projects on Docker.


To be able to run this project one needs the following technologies:

  • Docker -> Laradock uses Docker

  • Composer -> No need if one uses Laradock/Docker

if one want to start Lumen from scratch Composer is need as a package manager.


Following the instructions one should be able to run this project or at least have a good base how to start a Lumen project using Laradock.

  1. git clone

  2. Rename .env.example file to .env. The .env file is the environment file that deals with project configurations like database credentials, api keys, debug mode, application keys etc and this file is out of version control.

  3. Set your application key to a random string. Typically, this string should be 32 characters long. In .env file it is called eg APP_KEY=akkfjvlakengoemvgkcgelapchyekci

  4. Add MICRO_SERVICE_BASE_URI which should point to the address of your microserivce ex.AUTHORS_SERVICE_BASE_URI="http://IP_ADDRESS" if you are using localy with laradock use your local network ip address which you can get from Linux or MacOs ifconfig or Windows from network adapter properties.

  5. Add MICRO_SERVICE_SECRET which should be added to your microservice to secure the connection between the api gateway and the microservice ex.AUTHORS_SERVICE_SECRET=ECvSZ5O6P9x1GP1fvbtEVktoN358BofH should be sent with every api call to this microservice using the header Authorization: ex.Authorization:U0ZyuUhUrNgmLu9TIWJJay30gCT8UOyd

  6. Laradock clone it inside the project folder git clone

To run this project as a standalone project

  1. cd laradock

  2. cp env-example .env

  3. docker-compose up -d nginx mysql phpmyadmin workspace => To start the server

  4. docker-compose exec workspace bash => to get access to virtual machine and here one can execute any artisan command

  5. Run composer install => to install all php dependencies. This will create a vendor folder which is the core lumen framework

  6. Inside .env file in the project root update DB_HOST=mysql

  7. With SQL tool as PhpMyAdmin which is already provided by Laradock at port localhost:8080 or similar connect to the MySQL to create a new DB. Or use the Docker MySQL workspace bash to use commands instead.

  8. Default values host:mysql username:root password:root

  9. Update database name and else in .env

Remember all the Docker commands have to be run it under Laradock folder as there the Docker files are placed.

If one wants to run this project as it is after composer install run migration as php artisan migrate to update the DB with the right tables. Then seed with php artisan db:seed to populate the DB with some fake data.

Securing the Api gateway

This gateway is secured using lumen/passport is a lumen package which authorizes and authenticates users to start using the gateway your client should first request a token using localhost/oauth/token using provided client_id and client_secret to generate those you need to run docker-compose exec workspace bash and use the following command after installing passport php artisan passport:install which a typical Oauth process. If you are not familier with the process refer to

Adding a new microservice

After writing your microservice code

  1. obtain the address for the microservice.

  2. in .env file add


Which is how your api gateway gets to your microservice

  1. in app/Http/Controllers dir add the oprations that you want to perform with your api gatway

  2. in app/Http/Services dir add the api call using ConsumeExternalService trait or write your own ConsumeExternalService is a guzzle wrapper

  3. in routes/web.php add your new routes

And like this you’ve added a new microservice.

Note : This is not the best practice though read more on service discovery

Troubleshoot some possible issues

It is possible one has issues with connecting to MySQL image of Docker. A possible solution as follows:

From terminal

$ docker-compose exec mysql bash
$ mysql -u root -p

# Execute commands
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'root';
ALTER USER 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'root';
ALTER USER 'default'@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'secret';

May be need to restart the container after the changes

$ docker-compose down
$ docker-compose up -d nginx mysql


How to create a Simple Gateway. Step by step explanations to get start with Lumen

1) Create a Lumen project

First one need to install Lumen via Composer:

composer global require "laravel/lumen-installer"

Then can run:

lumen new ApiGateWay

2) Clone Laradock inside the ApiGateWay folder project

The steps above shows what to do with Laradock and Docker parts.

3) Connect to the MySQL container One can connect via a program like PhpMyAdmin or MysqlWorkBench or else to the MySQL container. Then need to create the DB.

Example of a connection set up: connection_db

Remember the name of the DB need to be put inside the .env file along with the credetials of it.

DB_HOST=mysql -> This need to be in this way and if any connection issues please refer to the troubleshoot section above
DB_PORT=3306  -> Change this if you use a different port
DB_DATABASE= < DB_NAME > < ex. gateway >
DB_USERNAME= < DB_USERNAME > < ex. root >
DB_PASSWORD= < DB_PASSWORD > < ex. root >

After one done the first preliminary set up steps, then is the time to move forward creating the API itself.

4) Eloquent

In simple words allows calling built-in functions instead of writing complex queries. The Eloquent ORM includes Laravel/Lumen which provides a beautiful, simple ActiveRecord implementation for working with the database. Each database table has a corresponding Model which is used to interact with that table. Models allow you to query for data in your tables, as well as insert new records into the table. For example, one can say Users::all() to get all the users inside users table rather than writing select * from users. Where Users in Users::all() is a`model.

Then to use Eloquent uncomment the $app->withEloquent() in your bootstrap/app.php

5) Facades

A facade class is a wrapper around a few classes serving a particular purpose to make a series of steps required to perform a task in a single function call.

Then uncomment the $app->withFacades() call inside bootstrap/app.php file to use Laravel Facade.

6) Users Then inside the app folder, will create Users.php. It is called a model in MVC framework. It will reflect users table inside database which has not been created yet Inside this model will have set some fillable fields =>name and gender and country as all Eloquent models protect against mass-assignment by default. A mass-assignment vulnerability occurs when a user passes an unexpected HTTP parameter through a request, and that parameter changes a column in your database you did not expect

See more at mass-assignment

7)Create a migration

To create a migration one need to be inside the Docker container workspace:

docker-compose exec workspace bash


root@688df818e9b7:/var/www# php artisan make:migration create_users_table

This will create migration file inside database/migrations

Example: 2020_02_27_153519_create_users_table.php

A migration file usually defines the schema of the database table.

See more at migrations

Then run command

php artisan migrate

This will migrate schema to database according to what is present in migration file. Now your database will have users table. This is how Eloquent makes it so easy to create tables, share this schema with the team and use its simple functions to generate complex sql queries.

8) Fake data to use for the test of the API

Now the issue how we test the API if we do not have any data to test actually.

Lumen has a very fine way to create dummy data. It is called Model Factories. That uses Faker package behind the scenes. Let’s dive into.

Inside database/factories/ModelFactory.php will define a factory for each table (1 only for users table in this case). A factory is a suitable word because a factory creates object based on rules defined inside the factory.

Now we need the a seeder class to call this factory to start creating objects and tell it a number to produce as well. So command `php artisan make:seeder UsersTableSeeder.

Alternatively you can create a factory as in database/factories/ModelFactory.php to create objects of Users
Will ask it to create 50 objects whenever it is called. Inside database/seeds/DatabaseSeeder.php call UsersFactory. Now we will run php artisan db:seed command to seed the database. Which will call run() in DatabaseSeeder.php and seed all listed seeders. We now have 50 dummy records inside users table.

Example: ![seeds](doc/Screenshot 2019-04-03 at 23.57.20.png)

9) API end points

If we go to routes/web.php here is we define our endpoints/routes. For example if one wants to get all books one will set an endpoint with url books/all. See the file. One used Users::all() (in a callback function) which is Eloquent way to fetch all the results for a model which has also been discussed earlier.

Now if one hit the endpoint through Postman Attached is a collection that can be imported to Postman Gateway.postman_collection.json or visit in browser`localhost/users` one should see all users in json.

What to expect with the code

  • Standardized response format ApiResponder.php

  • Standardized Api requests ConsumeExternalService.php

  • Independent services for microservices AuthorService.php and BookService.php

  • Secret Key protected endpoints AuthenticateAccess.php

  • Standardized exception response format Handler.php

  • RESTful Based API format web.php

Response Example

All APIs should be calls with Authorization header
Which is the key provided in the .env file with the key `ACCEPTED_SECRETS`

Get example

API : POST localhost/oauth/token
Response :
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "expires_in": 31622400,
    "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImp0aSI6IjAxYzdjYzIwYWE2ZWM2ODg1NzQxNjVjYTc1ZDJhMzk2MjkyOTVkYTAwNTM2OTQ4OGI4MjNkOGE5OTdjYmYyMjc2NGQwZTdjZjM4MGJkOWJlIn0.eyJhdWQiOiI0IiwianRpIjoiMDFjN2NjMjBhYTZlYzY4ODU3NDE2NWNhNzVkMmEzOTYyOTI5NWRhMDA1MzY5NDg4YjgyM2Q4YTk5N2NiZjIyNzY0ZDBlN2NmMzgwYmQ5YmUiLCJpYXQiOjE1ODI5ODQzODcsIm5iZiI6MTU4Mjk4NDM4NywiZXhwIjoxNjE0NjA2Nzg3LCJzdWIiOiIxIiwic2NvcGVzIjpbIioiXX0.b8OwcPVlfoYDtWBoBE64A-5Aur0FEkTyv0vBLjWqA1mjOkRXW1EyCHNzxEZsE4e3oPgjrsZcN37YlxetlnQfOtaxfpSTF9lSL7xXmm2nKhA46XcnyFgSeV3H8X-Msn22q0hiouSXdMcuQiXyWFTn3vDKDleq5s7kXUoI4MTeFScXnf_L8HQG2di7WCOKQppWTPtZA0ArnDoIBesoUxSu0J8CFg7qP1DdjxeYx0HKNU4FKytuJT-_i-aRAsPG5k-Z7b7AaSwmS5EDmmDjcnwApRLFcerBApaWJx9L26Rg7m0RT6xGCXL31k_454YIvmRMJVMbbwo-2zBPjrbWgKowoQ29MvVjy4BDuzM900QW3W3KjpiRDO7ZV066s0xe8wFTZrq7g4qK0DpG64Sf1k1mZYL3IoMzUvNPrPVhiLSHhtmUE3aumYt90euaVcafPTREUN3DYbvS5BY3RApt1nJPe3c2KfP7ARqi12NKsX3N8RkekS6KXwq1tPZnIcHFip2UJSwpu0kgDJzZAYVfrdkH7UtEmssEriRm__59IcSLQedyHiq2ROMjHHr4VoWdTLpd4sGHTYGqQIn0jj2RdKEmscl0rlxYNWC2krVgEWBTrvY42NcuzkQGoasMTt1oIf-Kcnf-x_UXU2cP4Q7Hi8aQUuQ0a_Q1CntZWvyvFFe2A5o",
    "refresh_token": "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"

Error example

API : GET localhost/users
Response :
    "error": "Unauthenticated."


PHP microservices based on lumen framework (Restful API CRUD operations) providing gateway functionlity such as connecting to other microservices and auth which is a part of the 3 microservices project can be used as a stand alone or part of the microservices architecture


Language:PHP 100.0%