roshal / whitespacepp

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Whitespace++ allows you to customize characters and colors of whitespaces, such as TAB (\t), Line Feed (\n), Wide space, and EOF (End of File).



This extension is automatically enabled when you open documents.

Extension Settings

This extension contributes the following settings:

  • whitespacepp.renderTAB: Render TAB (\t) characters or not.
  • whitespacepp.renderWS: Render Wide Space characters or not.
  • whitespacepp.renderLF: Render Line Feed (\n) character or not.
  • whitespacepp.renderEOF: Render [EOF] marker at the end of the file or not.
  • whitespacepp.textTAB: Text for TAB (\t). It's recommended that you specify 1em size characters, and you can also specify unicode characters such as "→", "‣", "▸", "▹", "❯".
  • whitespacepp.textWS: Text for Wide Space. It's recommended that you specify 2em size characters, and you can also specify unicode characters such as "▢", "◌", "▨", "▒", "🔲".
  • whitespacepp.textLF: Text for Line Feed (\n). You can also specify unicode characters such as "↩", "◂", "▾".
  • whitespacepp.textEOF: Text for EOF (End of File). You can also specify unicode characters.
  • whitespacepp.foreColorTAB: Text color for TAB (\t).
  • whitespacepp.foreColorWS: Text color for Wide Space.
  • whitespacepp.foreColorLF: Text color for Line Feed (\n).
  • whitespacepp.foreColorEOF: Text color for EOF (End of File).
  • whitespacepp.changeBackColorTAB: Change background color for TAB (\t) or not.
  • whitespacepp.changeBackColorWS: Change background color for Wide Space or not.
  • whitespacepp.changeBackColorEOF: Change background color for EOF (End of File) or not.
  • whitespacepp.backColorTAB: Background color for TAB (\t).
  • whitespacepp.backColorWS: Background color for Wide Space.
  • whitespacepp.backColorEOF: Background color for EOF (End of File).
  • whitespacepp.renderingDelayMs: Rendering delay time in millisecond. Drawing requests with intervals shorter than the delay time will be canceled.
  • whitespacepp.adjustWidthEOF: Adjust background width for EOF in %. Calculated by multiplying the length of textEOF by adjustWidthEOF and dividing by 100.

Known Issues


Release Notes

Ver Date Comment
1.0.0 2020.10.21 Initial release.
1.0.1 2020.10.21 Changed the VSCode version that the Whitespace++ is compatible with.
1.1.0 2020.10.22 Fixed the issue where some background drawing settings were not working.
Added the setting adjustWidthEOF.
Removed settings changeBackColorLF and backColorLF.
1.1.1 2020.10.23 Edited package.json.
1.2.0 2020.10.23 Improved to not render background of TAB and Wide-space in selected area.


License:MIT License