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Writing a research paper with me

I can't stress this enough. Start early.

Start writing your paper from the results section. In fact, start with the results figures or tables. Usually, we would have discussed the contribution claims of the paper well in advance. Make sure the results support those claims. For example, if your claimed contribution is to demonstrate that technique X improves over competitive baselines for task Y, there'd better be a results table (or figure) that shows technique X vs. competitive baselines. Typically, there will be a main set of results and a set of secondary results that flesh out your experiments, e.g., exploring different parameter settings, ablation experiments where you examine the impact of different components, etc.

Once you're done with the results section, write the experimental setup section. This includes things like what dataset you used, the machine/cluster you ran your experiments on, training regime, hyperparameter settings, etc.

Once you're done with the results section, write the methods section. That is, how your model actually works, the architecture of your system, etc.

Then write your related work. I've noticed over the years that systems and DB papers tend to have related work late in the paper, e.g., after results, but other fields (IR, NLP, KDD, etc.) tend to have related work right after the intro. So I usually follow these community standards. In the latter case I usually call the section "Background and Related Work", directly following the introduction.

Save the introduction for last.

If you're a junior student, I will usually write the introduction for you, because that's the hardest part to write. The introduction is where you "tell the story" and attempt to convince the reviewer why they should care, relating the work to the broader context of what people in the field consider important. As you gain experience, I expect you to be able to start telling your own story. This is the hardest skill to master.

Typically, I will communicate with you about a rough time period where I will set aside time to help you with your paper. Help consists of two forms: (1) reading and giving feedback, and (2) substantially revising your paper.

In many cases, especially if you are a junior student, I will probably end up completely rewriting your paper such that the final product may contain the same ideas, algorithms, models, results, but with a completely different expression. Realize that this is the most valuable part of your interactions with me: this is where you get my undivided attention working on your problem, helping you refine and improve your work. These interactions are also where you learn to write research papers. For example:

  • I help you explain your complex algorithm in the simplest possible way that helps the reader understand its underlying intuitions.

  • I help you untangle your experimental results into a series of clear findings that reveals insights about your system or technique.

These cases focus on how to clearly articulate your ideas, so it is important that your draft already contains the "raw ingredients". For example, there should already be a rough attempt at explaining the algorithm or model in a sufficient level of detail. All the experimental results should be present for analysis. I call this the "fodder" that serves as the input to refined prose.

An implication of this is that it is in your best interest to get everything in the draft before I start to work on it. While I'm working on it, also be available on Slack to answer questions on missing details. If there is "not enough" for me to work on or if you are not responsive, I will context switch and work on other things. I try to minimize my context switches so it might be a while until I return to your paper.

The proportion of time I spend substantially revising your paper will decrease as you gain experience. For senior students, I might write the introduction and that's it. For students close to graduating and postdocs, I might only read a close-to-final draft to offer comments with no "hands-on-keyboard" work. For postdocs, I might not even be a co-author.

If you are unclear what type of help you are going to get from me, ask! I will be clear and upfront to you and say things like, "I'll have all of Thursday morning to devote to your paper" or "I have too many other deadlines. I'll write your introduction but otherwise you are on your own."

For any part of your paper that I have rewritten, it is important that you compare "before" and "after" (look at the git commit), for three reasons:

  1. I might have messed up your text. For example, I might have described your algorithm wrong.

  2. Comparing "before" and "after" is critical to your learning experience. This is a case study approach: you will see how I have better re-expressed your ideas, and over time, your own ability to do so will improve. If you have questions about why I have expressed something in a certain manner, ask and I will be happy to explain.

  3. I may not have actually improved the writing. Senior students come up with better ways of "telling the story" than I do. I will engage with you and vigorously debate the merits of alternative approaches. I will certainly concede if your approach is superior, and I will most likely defer to your own judgment if there are pros and cons to alternative approaches. I very much welcome these debates and they are satisfying, because it means that I have trained you well. I am not surprised that you can tell your story better than I can, because, after it, it is your research.
