roscopeco / halp

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


ChatGPT powered terminal helper

Note This was just a quick for-fun lunchtime hack, the code isn't especially clean, it's largely untested, and it could easily break in future. YMMV.


Copy halp somewhere in your path.

Add an environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY. The value of this variable should be your API key from OpenAI.

You can now use halp:

halp compile test.c on macos, using C99 and optimization level 3. The output file should be called program and should be an executable

0:: Cancel
1:: clang -std=c99 -O3 -o program test.c
Select, or zero (or non-number) to cancel [0, 1..1]:

Note: You can also set an optional HALP_OPENAI_ENGINE environment variable with the name of the engine you wish to use (e.g. gpt-4). Currently, halp defaults to gpt-3.5-turbo. For this to work you must have API access to the selected engine via your provided API key.

When called, halp will go to ChatGPT for command suggestions, and will present them to you, allowing you to choose which you want to run - you'll also have the ability to cancel. This means you can you can also directly pipe the output to other commands, e.g. bash, since this will only be called if you select an option - if you cancel then the pipeline will terminate.

halp a bash command that echoes 'Yolo' to the terminal 5 times | bash

0:: Cancel
1:: for run in {1..5}; do echo "Yolo"; done
Select, or zero (or non-number) to cancel [0, 1..1]:


It knows how to run common commands (but doesn't always get it right :D):

halp 'mysql command to connect as root to the database test and show all rows from the ledger table. Dont include the -p option' | bash

0:: Cancel
1:: mysql -u root test -e "SELECT * FROM ledger;"
Select, or zero (or non-number) to cancel [0, 1..1]:

id	amt	line	balance_before
1	40	Spend some of bonus	1000
2	50	yolo	50
3	30	Spend more of bonus	960

And can directly generate non-bash commands (e.g. SQL):

halp SQL to show all rows in the bonus table and related rows in the ledger table, using the ledger_bonus join table and primary keys named "id" in ledger and bonus | mysql -u root -D test

0:: Cancel
1:: SELECT *
FROM bonus
JOIN ledger_bonus ON = ledger_bonus.bonus_id
JOIN ledger ON = ledger_bonus.ledger_id;
Select, or zero (or non-number) to cancel [0, 1..1]:

id	type	opening_bal	ledger_id	bonus_id	id	amt	line	balance_before
1	CoolBonus	500	1	1	1	40	Spend some of bonus	1000
1	CoolBonus	500	3	1	3	30	Spend more of bonus	960



Language:Ruby 100.0%