ros-planning / navigation

ROS Navigation stack. Code for finding where the robot is and how it can get somewhere else.

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[map server] Changing frame id

Hankyu-Kim opened this issue · comments

Hi this is Hankyu Kim from

While doing project with GPS(UTM coordinates), mapviz and map server api helped me a lot. Thanks for amazing work.

Btw, I also created frame that is not called map or origin, which is called 'utm'.
But since I do make map file (.pgm and .yaml file) on frame called 'map'. I couldn't visiualize the map that I made on another frame.

So, What I would like to ask you is the following.

  1. Is it possible to change frame id on file ((.pgm and .yaml file) that already made?

rostopic that I used was nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid.

Best regards
Hankyu Kim

Solved with running "rosrun map_server map_server map.yaml _frame_id:="utm""