ros-planning / navigation

ROS Navigation stack. Code for finding where the robot is and how it can get somewhere else.

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ROS navigation stack

federista opened this issue · comments

I need a bit of assistance with ROS navigation stack.
I am using a Bunker robot from agilex

I am working on obstacle avoidance using RPlidar.
enter image description here
Things I have done:

  1. Have mapped the environment and also saved the files.
  2. Have amcl data from /tf and /odom topics.
  3. have understanding of base controller for publishing the velocities.
  4. Also have the data from /scan topic of RPlidar

What I am looking for:

  1. The design of the launch file will help me in autonomous navigation.
  2. How do I merge all of this data that can help me in achieving this task?

I have taken a bit of help from this GitHub repository but still I am confused a bit. Thank you and good day

This issue tracker is for bugs/enhancements to the navigation code itself - for configuration issues/questions, we recommend posting to (there are far more people active over there)