ros-planning / navigation

ROS Navigation stack. Code for finding where the robot is and how it can get somewhere else.

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Using Navigation Stack together with Moveit

adamanov opened this issue · comments


Overview of your issue here.

Your environment

  • ROS Distro: [Melodic|
  • OS Version: e.g. Ubuntu 18.04
  • Robots: Clearpath Jackal mobile platform + OpenMANIPULATOR-P (RM-P60-RNH)

Steps to reproduce

I create a combined URDF model for both robot, where Arm placed on the Jackal mobile platform. After that used Moveit Asistant setup, and created a combined moveit_config file for URDF model

Expected behavior

By launching both move_group.launch (from moveit) and move_base.launch (from navigation stack) I expected to drive with jackal to the destination point and after that use moveit to pick a certain object.

Actual behavior

The robot platform does not move after setting a Goal position from Rviz, however, I can still move the robot arm within moveit rviz window.

I assume that the problem is related to the controller of both robots. But I am not sure if both frameworks can be used together on the single robot (mobile platform with robot arm)


Is it possible to use both frameworks together? or How can I control both the mobile platforms and arm robots with Rviz? for a future task in gazebo environment?

There are certainly many people using both systems together (the biggest challenge is usually that you often need to set the moveit planning frame to base_link since otherwise things like an octomap get really big - and thus usage is usually "drive to a location with nav and then manipulate from a fixed base pose"). I'd suggest posting to with more details about your setup in order to debug what is wrong.