ros-planning / navigation

ROS Navigation stack. Code for finding where the robot is and how it can get somewhere else.

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Does ROS Navstack use the Twist part of the Odom message?

adbidwai opened this issue · comments

The nav_msgs/Odometry message type contains the Twist as well as the Pose message types. Generally odometry only means the Pose i.e. the position and the orientation of the robot. Does ROS NavStack (move_base to be precise) use this Twist in the nav_msgs/Odometry message to control the velocities? Or does it just refer to the Pose part of the Odom message?

Does ROS Navstack also have the feature of high level velocity control? Does it actually make sure that the robot is moving with the velocity it published?

I believe it depends on which planner you are using, but some of the local planners use the odometry to calculate the current speed and DWA (for instance) will only command velocities that are in a dynamic window around that velocity.