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[ MotomanGP50 + YRC1000 ] [ MoveIt ] ERROR: Parameter [/controller_list] is not set // Returned 0 controllers in list

Ivan-AITIIP opened this issue · comments

I am having a configuration problem with a Motoman G50 robot while configuring the conexion with ROS through MoveIt.


  • I can read the robot state & view it in Rviz
  • MoveIt commands from Rviz yield error:
  • Unable to identify any set of controllers that can actuate the specified joints, ABORTED: Solution found but controller failed during execution.
  • I already called rosservice call /robot_enable and calling it again does not change the behavior
  • Why can't I move the robot?

What test can I run to verify configuration?
How can I set the controller right?


  • Yaskawa Motoman GP50
  • YRC1000 controller
  • ROS Noetic
  • Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS)


I have managed to read the robot's topics both from RVIZ with

roslaunch motoman_gp50_support robot_state_visualize_gp50.launch controller:=yrc1000 robot_ip:=

As from Moveit (with RVIZ) with

roslaunch motoman_gp50_moveit_config moveit_planning_execution.launch sim:=false robot_ip:= controller:=yrc1000

It allows me to enable the motors:

rosservice call /robot_enable
success: True
message: "Motoman robot is now enabled and will accept motion commands."

After executing this command, the robot's INIT_ROS job is activated:

and it goes to the line 5th waiting for a instruction

But when I try to move the robot (with plan and execute in RViz), I get the following error:

[ INFO] [1648564352.733447861]: Returned 0 controllers in list
[ERROR] [1648564352.733472306]: Unable to identify any set of controllers that can actuate the specified joints: [ joint_1_s joint_2_l joint_3_u joint_4_r joint_5_b joint_6_t ]
[ERROR] [1648564352.733485179]: Known controllers and their joints:

[ERROR] [1648564352.733508309]: Apparently trajectory initialization failed
[ INFO] [1648564352.745265359]: ABORTED: Solution found but controller failed during execution

If I ask for the controller_list:

rosparam get /controller_list
ERROR: Parameter [/controller_list] is not set

On the robot I have the key in remote.

Any idea what could be happening?

Here is the motoman_gp50_moveit_config folder:

Thanks in advance for any help!

From the console output you show it would appear your MoveIt configuration is not complete. That's why MoveIt is complaining.

The "controllers" mentioned in the MoveIt error message refers to a MoveIt "controller", not motoman_driver nor anything related to your YRC1000.

motoman_driver seems to function correctly.

I don't have time to debug your MoveIt configuration right now, but I'd suggest checking the output of MoveIt as it starts up (ie: when you roslaunch motoman_gp50_moveit_config moveit_planning_execution.launch [...]). At some point MoveIt should show you something like the following:

[ INFO] [1648650625.753948060] [/move_group]: Added FollowJointTrajectory controller for
[ INFO] [1648650625.754062260] [/move_group]: Returned 1 controllers in list
[ INFO] [1648650625.764073239] [/move_group]: Trajectory execution is managing controllers

If you don't see this, MoveIt will print the error message you quoted (ie: "can't find controllers for joints ...").

Edit: btw:

If I ask for the controller_list:

rosparam get /controller_list
ERROR: Parameter [/controller_list] is not set

this is expected: controller_list is in the move_group namespace.

It would also help if you could copy-paste the output of rostopic list after you've started everything up (so after you roslaunch motoman_gp50_moveit_config moveit_planning_execution.launch [...]), and perhaps include a screenshot of what rqt_graph shows as well.

Looking through your launch files, I think this is a somewhat arcane launch file parameterization issue. In your moveit_planning_execution.launch file you launch the move_group.launch file with no argument for the moveit_controller_manager, so the move_group.launch provides a default value of simple, which causes simple_moveit_controller_manager.launch.xml to be launched from trajectory_execution.launch.xml. What you really want is for motoman_gp50_moveit_controller_manager.launch.xml to be launched instead because it loads the right parameters from your controllers.yaml file.

If I'm right about this, the solution should be:

  1. Rename moveit_gp50_moveit_controller_manager.launch to moveit_gp50_moveit_controller_manager.launch**.xml**
    • trajectory_execution.launch.xml prefixes the hard-coded name _moveit_controller_manager.launch.xml with the moveit_controller_manager parameter value (i.e. moveit_gp50), so if that launch file doesn't have the right extension, you'll get another error
  2. Update your moveit_planning_execution.launch file to specify the correct moveit_controller_manager parameter
    <include file="$(find motoman_gp50_moveit_config)/launch/move_group.launch">
      <arg name="publish_monitored_planning_scene" value="true" />
    +  <arg name="moveit_controller_manager" value="motoman_gp50" />

Nice find. I'd suggest option 2, as that's how this is supposed to be done AFAIK.

The way the MSA was changed to generate these files has not made it any less complex.

I believe the tutorial @Ivan-AITIIP followed (this one?) is not up-to-date with the changes to the MSA.

@marip8: perhaps your second suggestion should be added to it?

Edit: compare also with demo.launch from the MSA generated package:

  <include file="$(dirname)/move_group.launch">
    <arg name="allow_trajectory_execution" value="true"/>
    <arg name="moveit_controller_manager" value="$(arg moveit_controller_manager)" />
    <arg name="fake_execution_type" value="$(arg fake_execution_type)"/>
    <arg name="info" value="true"/>
    <arg name="debug" value="$(arg debug)"/>
    <arg name="pipeline" value="$(arg pipeline)"/>
    <arg name="load_robot_description" value="$(arg load_robot_description)"/>

To solve this particular issue, both 1 and 2 will need to be done (given the linked MoveIt config package). I thought the MSA auto-generates the <your_robot_name>_moveit_controller_manager.launch.xml file, so I'm surprised this one was missing the .xml extension (unless it was accidentally changed by @Ivan-AITIIP).

Going forward, I think we should update our tutorials (the one linked by @gavanderhoorn and the one on the training website) to add the moveit_controller_manager parameter in moveit_planning_execution.launch if the MSA defaults to the value simple instead of the name of the robot

Thank you so much!
The robot is moving now!

Writing this in trajectory_execution.launch.xml

<!-- Load the robot specific controller manager; this sets the moveit_controller_manager ROS parameter -->
  <arg name="moveit_controller_manager" default="motoman_gp50" />
  <include file="$(find motoman_gp50_moveit_config)/launch/$(arg moveit_controller_manager)_moveit_controller_manager.launch.xml" />

and update the 'moveit_planning_execution.launch' as you tell everything works!

About the problem with the extension, yes, it was my bad. I accidentally did it.

Ok, good to hear you've got your MoveIt config sorted out.