ros-industrial / motoman

ROS-Industrial Motoman support (

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Need to use multiple branches for application

akashjinandra opened this issue · comments

Hello All,

I am using Ubuntu 18.04 with ROS Melodic. I have an application where I need to both use this branch: #259 due to the robot having multiple groups(robot+track+articulated gripper). However I also need to use this branch as well to write registers: #439.

The current solutions is basically to have 2 different catkin work-spaces, one where I can utilize the new motoman_msgs, and the other with the fixed joint_trajectory_action nodes in order to correctly control multiple groups.

Is there a standard way to go about solving this besides trying to merge the 2 branches?

Thanks for your thoughts.

You'd create a branch in your local clone into which you git merge both branches.

As this is not an issue with the packages in this repository, I'm closing it.

Feel free to keep commenting on it.