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xacro to urdf for kr6700

Marcotoulouse3 opened this issue · comments

I want to create urdf file with rosrun xacro xacro . I launch rosrun in directory "kuka_kr6_support/urdf"
and i have got a error

my command rosrun xacro xacro kr6r700sixx.xacro> kr6r700sixx

and error

resource not found: kuka_kr6_support
ROS path [0]=/opt/ros/noetic/share/ros
ROS path [1]=/opt/ros/noetic/share

Did you build and source your workspace before running that command?

If you didn't, that would be the cause of the error you mention.

I'm going to assume that was/is the cause, and close this issue.

Feel free to keep commenting on it of course.

Thanks... I'm so sorry .. Effectively i forget to source project, no problem after to create my urdf.

No need to apologise.

Good to hear you got it to work.