ros-industrial / industrial_core

ROS-Industrial core communication packages (

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

- Portability on ROS1 Noetic.

giordy-sudo opened this issue · comments

Hello, I have some issues when I compile (catkin build) these packages :

  • industrial_robot_client ;
  • industrial_utils.

In particular errors are :

  • industrial_robot_client :


  • industrial_utils :


Thanks a lot.

You appear to use a fork of industrial_core.

All industrial_core packages have been released for ROS Noetic, and CI runs regularly (see here for the latest run on Ubuntu Focal).

It's likely the fork is outdated.

Closing as this is not an issue with the packages in this repository.

PS: and please, do not post screenshots of terminals.

It's all text, so copy-paste the errors as text into your github issue.

Do make sure to use fenced codeblocks though.

Hello, thanks. Also withe the modifications that you sent me I still have the same errors.
I apply these changes : ea3d805.

I'm not sure I understand.

I have not sent you any modifications.

I apply these changes : ea3d805.

cherry-picking a single commit will not solve the problem.

Ok sorry can you explain in a simple way how can I solve my problem ?

I would suggest to ask the maintainers of the fork you are trying to use.

I don't know what their motivation for forking was, and I don't know what changes they've made to the code.

At a high level, you'd have to merge the differences between their fork and upstream (ie: this repository).

So who are the maintainers of the fork I'm trying to use ?

I have no idea.

Wouldn't you be the one who knows what he's git clone-ing?