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Papers on meta-learning

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Papers on Meta-learning

  1. A perspective view and survey of meta-learning. Vilalta R, Drissi Y. Artificial intelligence. 2002.
  2. Siamese Neural Networks for One-shot Image Recognition Gregory Koch, Richard Zemel, Ruslan Salakhutdinov. ICML 2015.
  3. Meta-Learning with Memory-Augmented Neural Networks Adam Santoro, Sergey Bartunov, Matthew Botvinick, Daan Wierstra, Timothy Lillicrap. ICML 2016
  4. Matching Networks for One Shot Learning Oriol Vinyals, Charles Blundell, Timothy Lillicrap, koray kavukcuoglu, Daan Wierstra. NIPS 2016.
  5. Model-agnostic meta-learning for fast adaptation of deep networks Finn C, Abbeel P, Levine S. ICML 2017.
  6. A meta-learning perspective on cold-start recommendations for items Manasi Vartak, Arvind Thiagarajan, Conrado Miranda, Jeshua Bratman, Hugo Larochelle. NIPS 2017.
  7. Prototypical networks for few-shot learning Snell J, Swersky K, Zemel R. NIPS 2017.
  8. Meta-learning: A survey Vanschoren J. arXiv, 2018.
  9. Learning to compare: Relation network for few-shot learning Flood Sung, Yongxin Yang, Li Zhang, Tao Xiang, Philip H.S. Torr, Timothy M. Hospedales. CVPR 2018.
  10. FewRel: A Large-Scale Supervised Few-Shot Relation Classification Dataset with State-of-the-Art Evaluation Xu Han, Hao Zhu, Pengfei Yu, Ziyun Wang, Yuan Yao, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun. EMNLP 2018.
  11. One-Shot Relational Learning for Knowledge Graphs Wenhan Xiong, Mo Yu, Shiyu Chang, Xiaoxiao Guo, William Yang Wang. EMNLP 2018.
  12. A Simple Neural Attentive Meta-Learner Nikhil Mishra, Mostafa Rohaninejad, Xi Chen, Pieter Abbeel. ICLR 2018.
  13. Few-Shot Learning with Graph Neural Networks Victor Garcia, Joan Bruna. ICLR 2018.
  14. Meta-Learning for Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Classification Mengye Ren, Eleni Triantafillou, Sachin Ravi, Jake Snell, Kevin Swersky, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Hugo Larochelle, Richard S. Zemel. ICLR 2018.
  15. Gradient-Based Meta-Learning with Learned Layerwise Metric and Subspace Yoonho Lee, Seungjin Choi. ICML 2018.
  16. MetaGAN: An Adversarial Approach to Few-Shot Learning Ruixiang ZHANG, Tong Che, Zoubin Ghahramani, Yoshua Bengio,Yangqiu Song. NIPS 2018.
  17. Hybrid Attention-Based Prototypical Networks for Noisy Few-Shot Relation Classification Tianyu Gao, Xu Han, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun. AAAI 2018.
  18. Adversarial Meta-Learning Chengxiang Yin, Jian Tang, Zhiyuan Xu, Yanzhi Wang. arXiv 2019.
  19. Heterogeneous Graph-based Knowledge Transfer for Generalized Zero-shot Learning Junjie Wang, Xiangfeng Wang, Bo Jin, Junchi Yan, Wenjie Zhang, Hongyuan Zha. arXiv 2019.
  20. Hierarchical Meta Learning Yingtian Zou, Jiashi Feng. arXiv 2019.
  21. Investigating Meta-Learning Algorithms for Low-Resource Natural Language Understanding Tasks Zi-Yi Dou, Keyi Yu, Antonios Anastasopoulos. EMNLP 2019.
  22. Learning to Learn and Predict: A Meta-Learning Approach for Multi-Label Classification Jiawei Wu, Wenhan Xiong, William Yang Wang. EMNLP 2019.
  23. Meta-Learning of Neural Architectures for Few-Shot Learning Thomas Elsken, Benedikt Staffler, Jan Hendrik Metzen, Frank Hutter. arXiv 2019.
  24. Meta-Learning to Cluster Yibo Jiang, Nakul Verma. arXiv 2019.
  25. MetaPruning: Meta Learning for Automatic Neural Network Channel Pruning Zechun Liu, Haoyuan Mu, Xiangyu Zhang, Zichao Guo, Xin Yang, Tim Kwang-Ting Cheng, Jian Sun. ICCV 2019.
  26. Adversarial Attacks on Graph Neural Networks via Meta Learning Daniel Zügner, Stephan Günnemann. ICLR 2019.
  27. Learning to Propagate Labels: Transductive Propagation Network for Few-shot Learning Yanbin Liu, Juho Lee, Minseop Park, Saehoon Kim, Eunho Yang, Sung Ju Hwang, Yi Yang. ICLR 2019.
  28. Meta-Learning Update Rules for Unsupervised Representation Learning Luke Metz, Niru Maheswaranathan, Brian Cheung, Jascha Sohl-Dickstein. ICLR 2019.
  29. Meta-Learning with Latent Embedding Optimization Andrei A. Rusu, Dushyant Rao, Jakub Sygnowski, Oriol Vinyals, Razvan Pascanu, Simon Osindero, Raia Hadsell. ICLR 2019.
  30. Unsupervised Learning via Meta-Learning Kyle Hsu, Sergey Levine, Chelsea Finn. ICLR 2019.
  31. Hierarchically Structured Meta-learning Huaxiu Yao, Ying Wei, Junzhou Huang, Zhenhui Li. ICML 2019.
  32. Online Meta-Learning Chelsea Finn, Aravind Rajeswaran, Sham Kakade, Sergey Levine. ICML 2019.
  33. MeLU: Meta-Learned User Preference Estimator for Cold-Start Recommendation Hoyeop Lee, Jinbae Im, Seongwon Jang, Hyunsouk Cho, Sehee Chung. KDD 2019.
  34. MetaPred: Meta-Learning for Clinical Risk Prediction with Limited Patient Electronic Health Records Xi Sheryl Zhang, Fengyi Tang, Hiroko Dodge, Jiayu Zhou, Fei Wang. KDD 2019.
  35. Sequential Scenario-Specific Meta Learner for Online Recommendation Zhengxiao Du, Xiaowei Wang, Hongxia Yang, Jingren Zhou, Jie Tang. KDD 2019.
  36. Learning to Propagate for Graph Meta-Learning LU LIU, Tianyi Zhou, Guodong Long, Jing Jiang, Chengqi Zhang. NIPS 2019.
  37. Learning to Self-Train for Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Classification Xinzhe Li, Qianru Sun, Yaoyao Liu, Qin Zhou ,Shibao Zheng, Tat-Seng Chua, Bernt Schiele. NIPS 2019.
  38. Meta-Learning with Implicit Gradients Aravind Rajeswaran, Chelsea Finn, Sham M. Kakade, Sergey Levine. NIPS 2019.
  39. Ranking architectures using meta-learning Alina Dubatovka, Efi Kokiopoulou, Luciano Sbaiz, Andrea Gesmundo, Gabor Bartok, Jesse Berent. NIPS 2019.
  40. Warm Up Cold-start Advertisements: Improving CTR Predictions via Learning to Learn ID Embeddings Feiyang Pan, Shuokai Li, Xiang Ao, Pingzhong Tang, Qing He. SIGIR 2019.
  41. Meta-Learning with Dynamic-Memory-Based Prototypical Network for Few-Shot Event Detection Shumin Deng, Ningyu Zhang, Jiaojian Kang, Yichi Zhang, Wei Zhang, Huajun Chen. WSDM 2020.