roosta / scripts

collection of my personal shell scripts

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Roosta's scripts

This is where maintain my various shell scripts.


Branch Description
master Most current up to date scripts.
deprecated Old deprecated scripts I don't use anymore

Table of content

Just add a new font to system by making fontdir and fontscale, and refreshing font cache. Really basic stuff but I kept forgetting so here's the script ensuring I'll never remember.

Script for changing output displays using nvidia cards. It also changes audio sink.

Wrote this because I have a couch and a desk, and need to switch between them by using a shortcut. I couldn't find a script that changes both displays and audio sink so here we are.

It uses pre-defined layouts and takes a single argument. desk, tv, mix


./ desk
./ tv

Same as above but using xrandr instead of nvidia-settings for setting layout

Script to simplify opening and mounting dm-crypt encrypted partitions. Really not terribly useful I just kept forgetting how to do it, so I wrote this.

It is used like so:

./ open /dev/sdh1 my-encrypted-device-name # gets mounted in ~/mnt/[name]
./ close my-encrypted-device-name

Wrote this for asuswrt-merlin, to setup DDNS on my router a long time ago. This probably doesn't work anymore, and just keeping it here in case I need to do something similar at some point.

Demo various dialog boxes using whiptail, ncurses, GTK dialog, KDE Dialog I did not write this, only use it for reference. I stupidly never noted where I got it from.

Script I grabbed from here and does some sorcery to create a dropdown terminal in bspwm. This is the unixporn entry that linked me to the script It's my intention to modify this to work on i3wm.

This uses emacsclient to open file $1 at line $2 What I usually do is to add this to a project.clj using figwheel:

:figwheel {:open-file-command  "script/"}

and I can click on the error dialog in the browser to have Emacs goto error.

print which systemfont matches these aliases:

  • serif
  • sans-serif
  • monospace
  • Arial
  • Helvetica
  • Verdana
  • Times New Roman
  • Courier New

Swap driver packages installed on Archlinux between nvidia and xf86-video-nouveau. Pulled this script from the archlinux wiki but was unable to find it again when I went back looking.

Outputs nvidia GPU temperature. Originally used with i3blocks.

Using i3lock-color, setup color params and lock if i3lock-color is on system, else fall back to i3lock regular. Blurs background and use srcery colors.

List all IOMMU groups for system. Used this when setting up PCI passthrough to a virtual machine. More info here.

Echo keyboard layout code/caps lock and formatting for polybar

I like my indicator to have a red background on Norwegian layout and caps-lock since it always trips me up when this is activated. Only works for Norwegian and US layouts. Could easily be modified though.

How to use: In polybar setup a module using IPC:

type = custom/ipc
format-foreground = ${colors.brightwhite}
format = <output>
hook-0 = ~/scripts/
initial = 1

Then in i3 setup something like this:

bindsym --release Caps_Lock exec polybar-msg hook keyboard-layout 1

This triggers an ipc message when releasing caps lock, which I have setup via xorg to toggle between layouts.

Remember to enable ipc for your bar:

enable-ipc = true

original source:

Called on i3 startup to launch whatever polybar layout hostname requires.

exec_always --no-startup-id $HOME/scripts/

I have multiple monitors, so I launch several bars depending on hostname, since the number of screens vary, so does the configs.

Dependencies: tesseract-ocr imagemagick gnome-screenshot xclip

Select some text on screen, and attempt to OCR it. Takes language as param, i.e. ./ eng. Will copy text to clipboard, and echo to terminal.

Author: Mathias Bjerke <>

optirun (folder)

Friend of mine sent me this conf and run script. I believe it was for enabling optirun when charging/docked.

Author: Christian Karlsen

Switch Pulseaudio sinks, used this mainly for reference and found it on the pulseaudio docs, used the base concepts here to make the chdisp* scripts.

Script used to troubleshoot true color in terminal, will print a rainbow and how it looks depends on what colors are supported by your terminal.

More on that here.

Records a selection of the screen and output result as a gif.

This script requires:

Author: Mathias Bjerke <>

Records entire screen and output result as a gif.

This script requires:


Mathias Bjerke <>

Daniel Berg <>

Attach to an existing session, or create a new. Useful if you want tmux to always be started with terminal emulator. Source either in shell rc file, or in window manager on terminal emulator startup. Believe I got from here.

I run this manually to start a default tmux session layout. Check for existing named session, attach, or create a new named session called main. Opted for this solution rather than using a session manager, even though there are several nice ones.

Starts a new session called mpd, and launch mopidy.

Use libnotify to notify when a tmux window receives a bell. Used with


set-hook -g alert-silence 'run ". ~/utils/; return 0"'

Starts a new session called ssh that launches ngrok, I use this sometimes if I need to access a computer over ssh that doesn't have a static ip.

Takes TCP PORT as argument to ngrok.

Create an update window if main session exist. Set this window to monitor silence. When I start an update, and then do something else I'd like to be alerted on silence since that indicates that its either finished or requires input.

Creates a work session that automatically starts a datomic transactor and the datomic dev console.

Toggles touchpad on or off.

Used in i3wm config like so:

bindsym XF86TouchpadToggle exec --no-startup-id ~/utils/

Used in window manager to instead of starting a new session on term shortcut it attach to an existing session and split the window. If none exist create a new one. This is a modified version of this:

Check for tunnel and echo polybar formatted string

WIP script to wrap up work session in one script.

Set my Wacom prefs using xsetwacom, never found a gui app that did what I needed to resorted to setting it with a script.


collection of my personal shell scripts


Language:Shell 94.9%Language:JavaScript 2.6%Language:C 2.3%Language:Makefile 0.3%