ronydebnath / VIRADialogsdata

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COVID-19 Vaccine Trust Annotations dataset

License: Community Data License Agreement - Sharing - Version 1.0

We have used parts of VIRADialogs as-is for the purpose of this dataset. All credit for VIRADialogs belongs to Johns Hopkins University, they are the sole owners of VIRADialogs. VIRADialogs is available at


The COVID-19 Vaccine Trust Annotations dataset containts 3,022 VIRADialogs user side inputs annotated for trust.

The data is split to 3 files, train.csv and dev.csv and test.csv.

Each file contains the following columns:

I. text - user side input taken from VIRA Dialogs. II. label - trust label:

0 - Low Institutional Trust
1 - Low Agent Trust
2 - Neutral
3 - High Trust 

If you use this dataset please cite:

VIRATrustData: A Trust-Annotated Corpus of Human-Chatbot Conversations About COVID-19 Vaccines Roni Friedman, João Sedoc, Shai Gretz, Assaf Toledo, Rose Weeks, Naor Bar-Zeev, Yoav Katz, Noam Slonim arXiv, 2022
