Squickl is a .NET library that simplifies access to SQL data sources when you don't want or need an ORM.
Squickl is available via NuGet (https://www.nuget.org/packages/Squickl) and can be installed from the Package Manager:
PM> Install-Package Squickl
Execute a statement that returns no results:
Squickl.Execute("update colors set name='Red' where name='Redd'");
Lookup a single value:
string what = Squickl.Lookup("select top name from messages where author='Bob'");
Get a DataTable:
DataTable msgs = Squickl.ReadTable("select top 10 * from messages");
Get a single dynamic record:
dynamic record = Squickl.Query1("select top 10 * from colors");
Console.WriteLine(sx.ColorName + ", " + sx.ColorNumber); // all the columns are properties of the dynamic object
Iterate over all records in a result set using dynamic foreach syntax:
foreach (dynamic sx in Squickl.Query("select * from colors"))
Execute 3 queries; walk through the first two results using typical DataReader syntax, pull the third into a DataTable:
using(var sl = new Squickl("select when, name, subject, cost from messages; exec dbo.spu_Moredata; exec dbo.spu_Colors"))
Console.WriteLine(sl.GetDate(when) + ": " + sl.GetString("subject"));
Console.WriteLine("It cost " + sl.GetMoney("cost"));
DataTable colors = sl.GetTable();
Need to access a different database than your default? Make sure it's in your .config and pass the name to a function:
string what = Squickl.Lookup("select top name from messages", "mysql");
Squickl also includes some extensions to standard data types to make lazy SQL programming easier.
SqlParam will make a string SQL safe - trim it, encapsulate it in single quotes, and double any single quotes inside so that they are handled properly. If the string is empty it'll return null. It'll even take a C# boolean and convert it to 1 or 0.
string name = "Mc'Cormick";
bool yn = true;
DateTime when = Convert.ToDateTime("2/1/2013 2:35pm");
string cmd1 = "update msgs set " + name=" + name.SqlParam() + ", complete=" + yn.SqlParam() + ", when=" + when.SqlParam() + " where id=1";
// cmd1 -> update msg set name='Mc''Cormick', complete=1, when='2/1/2013 2:35 pm' where id=1";
string cmd2 = "exec spu_Update id=1, " + name.SqlParam("name") + ", " + yn.SqlParam("complete") + ", " + when.SqlParam("when");
// cmd2 -> exec spu_Update id=1, @name='Mc''Cormick', @complete=1, @when='2/1/2013 2:35 pm'
Squickl assumes that most of your data access is to one data source. So you start by setting up your default data source in your .config file and you're off.
<add key="Squickl_DefaultConnection" value="mssql" />
<add key="Squickl_RaiseExceptions" value="false" />
<clear />
<add name="mssql" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" connectionString="Server=?;Database=?;Trusted_Connection=False;User ID=?;Password=?"/>
<add name="mysql" providerName="MySql.Data.MySQLClient" connectionString="server=?;user=?;database=?;port=?;password=?;" />
<add name="mssqlce" providerName="System.Data.SqlServerCe.4.0" connectionString="Data Source=|DataDirectory|\data.sdf" />
- Squickl_DefaultConnection: Name of connection string to use by default. If not set, Squickl will use the first connection string it finds. Be careful: The first connection string in your local config file may not be the actual first connection string that dotNet sees; there may be connection strings in machine.config. You may want to your list first.
- Squickl_RaiseExceptions: Defaults to false. When true, exceptions can arise from calling Squickl. When false all exceptions are trapped but available by looking at LastError property.
1.12 - October 26th, 2013
- Added Query1 function to return one dynamic row; see new sample
1.11 - October 19th, 2013
- Added Query function for dynamic foreach reading; see new sample
1.10 - October 25th, 2013
- Significant refactoring & cleanup
- Now uses DbProviderFactory for more universal database support; compatible with Glimpse
- SqlLookup renamed to Lookup; SqlExec renamed to Exec; added Exists
- New implementation of access to Columns and column definitions
- Can now set in .config whether you want exceptions to be raised or not; default is true
1.01 - March 25th, 2013
- Added support for SQL Server Compact Edition
- Minor code refactoring
- Added SquicklTest project for testing purposes
1.00 - February 29th, 2012
- Initial release
SqlClean in Extensions doesn't handle ' in MySQL strings.