ronensc / cluster-logging-load-client

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Log load client

This project is a golang application to generate logs and send them to various output destinations in various formats The app runs as a single executable. Per configuration can spawn multiple threads. if more load is needed, scale the app horizontally Example::

$ ./logger generate
goloader seq - localhost.localdomain.0.00000000000000003505C218B3455F5F - 0000000000 - You're screwed !
goloader seq - localhost.localdomain.0.00000000000000003505C218B3455F5F - 0000000001 - Don’t use beef stew as a computer password. It’s not stroganoff.
goloader seq - localhost.localdomain.0.00000000000000003505C218B3455F5F - 0000000002 - failed to reach the cloud, try again on a rainy day
goloader seq - localhost.localdomain.0.00000000000000003505C218B3455F5F - 0000000003 - successfully launched a car in space
goloader seq - localhost.localdomain.0.00000000000000003505C218B3455F5F - 0000000004 - error while reading floppy disk
goloader seq - localhost.localdomain.0.00000000000000003505C218B3455F5F - 0000000005 - Don’t use beef stew as a computer password. It’s not stroganoff.


examples using docker image: podman run generate - start outputting logs to stdout

examples using local binary:
./logger generate - start outputting logs to stdout
./logger generate --url=http://localhost:3100/api/prom/push - send logs to loki
./logger generate ---log-lines-rate=500 - logs 500 log lines per second (default is one log line per seconds)

Following flags are available:

-h, --help   help for generate

Global Flags:
--config string                config file (default is $HOME/logger.yaml)
--destination string           Log Destination: loki, elasticsearch, stdout, file. (default stdout) (default "stdout")
--destination-url string       send logs via api using the provided url (e.g http://localhost:3100/api/prom/push)
--file string                  The file to output (default: output) (default "output")
--log-level string             Log level: debug, info, warning, error (default = error) (default "error")
--log-lines-rate int           The total amount of log lines per thread per second to generate.(default 1) (default 1)
--loki-labels string           Loki labels: none,host,random (default = random) (default "random")
--loki-tenant-ID string        Loki tenantID (default = fake) (default "fake")
--output-format string         The output format: default, crio (mimic CRIO output), csv (default "default")
--source string                Log lines Source: simple, application, synthetic. (default simple) (default "simple")
--synthetic-payload-size int   Payload length [int] (default = 100) (default 100)
--threads int                  Number of threads.(default 1) (default 1)
--totalLogLines int            Total number of log lines per thread (default 0 - infinite)

Environment variables are supported using prefix "LOADCLIENT" - examples:

podman run -e LOADCLIENT_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG generate


To build the app run make build
To build docker image use make build-image
To push docker image use make push-image


Generate logs to elasticsearch v6

Logger sends logs to elasticsearch using its bulk API. Launch an elasticsearch(v6) container:

    make run-es

Run logger and set the remote type to elasticsearch:

    ./logger generate --destination-url http://localhost:9200 --destination=elasticsearch

Generate query requests to elasticsearch v6

    ./logger query --query-file ./config/dev.yaml --destination-url http://localhost:9200 --destination=elasticsearch


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 89.1%Language:Makefile 8.4%Language:Shell 1.5%Language:Dockerfile 1.0%