ronaldhoek / rxjs-in-action

Code sample repository

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Code sample repository


First download/fork/clone the project

To start the server run (in the rxjs-in-action directory):

npm install && npm install -g gulp && gulp

On subsequent runs (if all goes well) you can run just


Adding new Examples (FROZEN)

Add new examples under the /examples directory. Each example should be organized under the sub-directory corresponding to its chapter and index.

i.e. Listing 2.3 => /examples/2/3

Each example can have three separate files, they should be labeled using the chapter and index

2_3.js 2_3.html 2_3.css

Currently you must also add a new selector option to the front-end as well. Go into index.html and add:

<option value="2.3">2.3</option>

This will allow the new sample to get picked up by the front end.

Bug reports

If you find a bug or an issue with one of the code samples please file an issue so that we can get it fixed for other readers


Code sample repository


Language:JavaScript 81.4%Language:HTML 16.9%Language:CSS 1.6%