ronalddddd / docker-dev-container

A vim development environment

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A containerized development environment.


  • zsh (OhMyZsh)
  • git
  • fzf with keybindings
    • alt c for fuzzy directory search + cd
    • ctrl t for fuzzy file path search + paste
    • ctrl r for fuzzy history search
  • vim 8 customized with plugins and some other configured defaults (see vimrc)
    • ctrl o File Browser (NERDTree)
    • ctrl p File quick open (ctrlp)
    • ctrl n Multi-cursor (vim-multiple-cursors)
    • Auto-format (vim-prettier)
    • Auto-complete (YouCompleteMe)
    • Syntax checking (syntastic)
  • Mosh - mobile shell eliminates ssh disconnects over unstable networks
  • tmux with some light configurations (see tmux)
  • node.js and yarn
  • devops/cloud tools
    • Ansible
    • Terraform
    • kubectl
    • k9s -- Terminal UI for k8s
    • AWS CLI
    • doctl -- DigitalOcean's CLI tool

Quick Start

Connecting via docker-compose

  • mounts (read-only) ${SSH_DIR}, defaults to ~/.ssh
  • mounts ${WORKSPACE_DIR}, defaults to ./workspace
  • mounts various config folders under ./workspace into home:
    • .config
    • .kube
    • .aws
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec workspace zsh

Connecting via SSH

# Start the container
docker run -d -e SSH_PASSWORD="supersecret" -p 2233:22 ronalddddd/dev-container

# Shell into it
ssh root@localhost -p 2233

Connecting via Mosh

mosh root@localhost -p 6000 --ssh="ssh -p 1234"

Advanced Usages

  • SSH into it using your private key by setting the environment variable DEVELOPER_PUBLIC_KEY
  • Mount a project folder to /projects (so you don't lose your work :)
  • Mount a .ssh folder with required credentials
    • authorized_keys file for logging in
    • Private keys for accessing remote repositories, etc...
  • Expose SSH port
  • Expose Mosh port range (UDP 6000 to 6100)

What is Mosh?

Mosh is a replacement for interactive SSH terminals. It's more robust and responsive, especially over Wi-Fi, cellular, and long-distance links.

keeps the session alive if the client goes to sleep and wakes up later, or temporarily loses its Internet connection

  • getting a mosh client:
  • you need to expose one or more UDP ports in the 6000 to 6100 range for mosh clients to connect



Screenshot of vim running in a tmux session


A vim development environment


Language:Dockerfile 52.5%Language:Vim Script 45.5%Language:Shell 2.0%