romydj / CTF-Workshop

Challenges for Binary Exploitation Workshop

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a repository of challenges designed to introduce you to entry level binary exploitation. In each Directory you will find a TODO.txt. These files will explain the type of challenge that directory is associated with and in which order you should solve the challenges. If you are new to CTFs, read through this guide. It will tell you the basic consepts you will have to be familiar with in order to start playing and guide you through the process of learning them.

Requirements: Linux, gcc, socat, and gcc-multilib to run and create 32 bit executables.

To get gcc-multilib on Ubuntu, you may run:

sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib

Otherwise you will have to Google for the installation instructions specific to your distro.


git clone ~/Workshops
cd ~/Workshops && make

###Level 1:


###Level 2:


###Level 3:


###Level 4:


###Level 5:



Challenges for Binary Exploitation Workshop


Language:C 72.7%Language:Makefile 15.5%Language:Python 11.8%