romulomessias / redventures-test

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Red Ventures Test

How to run

To install and run simple execute

 yarn --production=false
yarn start

npm install
npm start

this app is also avaliable at

What I used


I use react in my current job (and the last one too), so choose react was natural for me. I feel comfortable building web app with this lib.


I needed a solution for global state in this app. It's common to use Redux with React, but I believe redux increase the application complexity in a considerable way. Mobx solves global state problem in a simpler way.


With typescript I have better code suggestion and autocomplete. It's easier to know what a function return as result (if any) and the type system help me find bugs before shipping the app for production.


Nothing special here, another tool I use um my current job. Here i tried to use RSCSS to organize my stylesheet.

Folder Scructure

└─── src
    └─── assets
    └─── components
    └─── hooks
    └─── models
    └─── pages
    └─── static
    └─── stores
    └─── styles
  • src

    Root folder of all my source code, in this folder there is the entry point of the app as well.

  • assets

    Here there is the template html used to hosting the react app. Here there is also the icones used in app manifest and the favico.

  • components

    All the ui pieces that compose a page is here, I like to organize all components by domain. Domain free componentes I tend to put in common folder. Other costume I have is to keep together compoments and styles. So for every component there is also a file with its styles.

  • hooks

    Folder with logic that I can reuse.

  • models

    Definition for objects I use in this project. Usually, this definitions are API responses.

  • pages

    All pages that the aplication have. Here a page is basically a container fot a components of a domain I considered.

  • static

    All static images I used.

  • stores

    Here is all logic for state managment I used in this app. All related to Mobx.

  • styles

    Common styles, mixins and sass variables.

What I could have done better

Better css organization

Revising what I did a notice that I could have done a better job organizing my css. Coud have made a mixin for common thigs for example.

Better mobile layout

I first built the app thinking in desktop view and after that a adapted for mobile. Because that I believe some decision I took in components didn't help me achieve a better layout in mobile.


I just did some realy simple animations in wheel selection.

Test (unity test at least)

I couldn't write some test but i would like to use jest for that,with enzime or puppeteer for testing ui components.



Language:TypeScript 68.7%Language:CSS 22.8%Language:JavaScript 7.9%Language:HTML 0.5%