romen / newspeed

This is a WIP project reimplementing openssl speed to use modern APIs.

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newspeed - A newer OpenSSL speed

This is a WIP project reimplementing openssl speed to use modern APIs (e.g. EVP_PKEY).

Table of Contents


newspeed runs a specified set of operations a number of times in a loop and records the number of elapsed CPU cycles.

The main loop can be described through the following pseudocode:

  for o in operation.out_count
    for i in operation.in_count

      for x in iterations_per_sample

      sample = SAMPLING_DELTA / iterations_per_sample


The reason why we have two nested loops (out_count and in_count) is to abide to the recommendations for some of the alternative sampling providers.

To improve the statistical quality of each sample, we further average the measured elapsed CPU cycles over a number of iterations per sample in the innermost loop.

The total number of runs for each operation is thus equal to

operation.out_count * operation.in_count * iterations_per_sample

Even tough it is possible to redefine the number of iterations in out_count and in_count for each defined operation, currently all operation definitions default to use global parameters set at compile time to define these values.

When out_count > 1 (which is not the default), part of the code in newspeed will attempt a statistical comparison of the sampled values, according to the guidelines described in the whitepaper which inspired one of the alternative sampling providers.


  • The list of operations supported is currently limited to
    • EVP_PKEY keygen
    • EVP_PKEY key derivation (e.g. DH, ECDH)
    • EVP_PKEY sign/verify
    • EVP_DigestSign/EVP_DigestVerify
  • The number of iterations per operations is fixed at build time
  • The current code would benefit a lot from refactoring and restructuring, especially to make it easier to add support for new operations and to maintain existing ones
  • The output on the TTY is cryptic and hard to use, and improving it is part of future plans for the tool (the JSON output is what should be used for statistics)



The default method for measuring elapsed cycles in newspeed is based on the Linux perf tool, as it has the benefit of being portable to any platform we were interested in.

On Ubuntu/Debian:

apt-get install linux-tools-common linux-tools-generic \
  linux-tools-$(uname -r)

This is a requiremnt at build time, unless a different sampling provider is selected (alternatives can be selected through preprocessors defines, but they underwent less testing).

Also, as a run-time requirement, depending on the security environment, using perf as an unprivileged user might require adding CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability or allowing unprivileged access to perf event counters:

echo 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid


Build-time configuration

src/newspeed_config.h includes defines affecting the core functionality of newspeed.

Number of runs for each operation

Currently the number of runs for each operation is statically determined at compile time as illustrated in the Design section, and the total number of runs for each operation is equal to:

operation.out_count * operation.in_count * iterations_per_sample
  • iterations_per_sample depends on

    #define HYPERLOOP 7
    iterations_per_sample = 2**HYPERLOOP # 2 to the power of HYPERLOOP
  • operation.in_count defaults to

    #define OP_DEFAULT_IN_COUNT 100

    for each defined operation;

  • operation.out_count defaults to

    #define OP_DEFAULT_OUT_COUNT 1

    for each defined operation; if greater than 1, part of the code in newspeed will attempt a statistical comparison of the sampled values, according to the guidelines described in the whitepaper which inspired one of the alternative sampling providers.

Alternative sampling providers



The SAMPLING declaration selects one of the implemented sampling providers. The default is SAMPLING_PERF as it is portable and more reliable on the environments we targeted, with the caveat that it adds some build-time and run-time requirements.

The other providers are currently x86 only, and may also require tweaking the number of runs per operation to increase the reliability of the measurements.

Build instructions

export OPENSSL_PREFIX=/opt/openssl-master
rm -rf ${TMP_BUILD_DIR}; mkdir -p ${TMP_BUILD_DIR}
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \
make ${MAKE_OPTS}

# Optionally install newspeed to ${OPENSSL_PREFIX}/bin/
sudo make install


Usage: newspeed [options]
Valid options are:
 -help                  Display this summary
 -engine val            Use engine, possibly a hardware device
 -evp_pkey_keygen val   Benchmark EVP_PKEY key-pair generation
 -evp_pkey_derive val   Benchmark EVP_PKEY derive (DH) operation
 -evp_pkey_dss val      Benchmark EVP_PKEY digital signature scheme (sign+verify)
 -evp_pkey_sign val     Benchmark EVP_PKEY (DSS) sign operation
 -evp_pkey_verify val   Benchmark EVP_PKEY (DSS) verify operation
 -evp_digest_dss val    Benchmark EVP_DigestSign/DigestVerify digital signature scheme
 -evp_digestsign val    Benchmark EVP_DigestSign operation
 -evp_digestverify val  Benchmark EVP_DigestVerify operation
 -json outfile          Output json stats to file
 -noop                  Benchmark noop operation

All the -evp_* options take as argument the name of the algorithm on which to operate, with the following syntax:

  • EVP_PKEY_EC:<curve_name> performs the operation on the elliptic curve identified by the specified <curve_name>. For a list of valid curve names:
    $OPENSSL_PREFIX/bin/openssl ecparam -list_curves
  • EVP_PKEY_RSA:<bits> performs the operation using an RSA key with the specified bit length.
  • EVP_PKEY_DSA:<bits> performs the operation using a DSA key with the specified bit length.
  • Any other argument is directly fed through OpenSSL methods to retrieve a corresponding EVP_PKEY implementation.

Most of the time -evp_digest* and the corresponding -evp_pkey_{sign|derive|dss} are interchangeable, as the EVP_DigestSign API wraps around the EVP_PKEY API. The notable exception is for ED25519 signatures, which in OpenSSL 1.1.1 are implemented directly through the EVP_DigestSign API and do not support EVP_PKEY_sign.

NOTE: An ENGINE might expose a cryptosystem through different APIs than upstream OpenSSL: e.g. with libsuola, ED25519 is accessible through both the EVP_DigestSign API and the EVP_PKEY_sign API.


  • NOTE: Don't load more than one engine for benchmarking!
  • NOTE: -engine is optional, but should be the first option when loading an ENGINE!

Both recommendations are not strictly enforced, as for debugging and development it might be useful to load more engines and in different orders.


Benchmark X25519

$OPENSSL_PREFIX/bin/newspeed \
  -engine libsuola-hacl \
  -evp_pkey_keygen X25519 \
  -evp_pkey_derive X25519 \
  -json results.json

Benchmark ED25519

$OPENSSL_PREFIX/bin/newspeed \
  -engine libsuola-sodium \
  -evp_pkey_keygen ED25519 \
  -evp_digest_dss ED25519 \
  -json results.json

Benchmark NIST-P256 EC

$OPENSSL_PREFIX/bin/newspeed \
  -evp_pkey_keygen EVP_PKEY_EC:prime256v1 \
  -evp_pkey_derive EVP_PKEY_EC:prime256v1 \
  -evp_digest_dss EVP_PKEY_EC:prime256v1 \
  -json results.json

Benchmark RSA keygen

$OPENSSL_PREFIX/bin/newspeed \
  -evp_pkey_keygen EVP_PKEY_RSA:2048 \
  -json results.json

Benchmark DSA sign

$OPENSSL_PREFIX/bin/newspeed \
  -evp_pkey_sign EVP_PKEY_DSA:1024 \
  -json results.json

Benchmark several different operations at once

$OPENSSL_PREFIX/bin/newspeed \
  -engine libsuola-hacl \
  -evp_pkey_keygen EVP_PKEY_EC:prime256v1 \
  -evp_pkey_keygen X25519 \
  -evp_pkey_keygen ED25519 \
  -evp_pkey_derive EVP_PKEY_EC:prime256v1 \
  -evp_pkey_derive X25519 \
  -evp_digest_dss EVP_PKEY_EC:prime256v1 \
  -evp_digest_dss ED25519 \
  -json results.json
$OPENSSL_PREFIX/bin/newspeed \
  -engine libsuola-hacl \
  -evp_pkey_keygen EVP_PKEY_RSA:1024 \
  -evp_pkey_derive X25519 \
  -evp_pkey_sign ED25519 \
  -evp_digest_dss EVP_PKEY_DSA:1024 \
  -evp_pkey_dss EVP_PKEY_EC:prime256v1 \
  -json results.json

JSON Output

The preferred output format for newspeed benchmarks is JSON and this sections aims at briefly describing the adopted schema.

A newspeed JSON results file contains only one object, describing metadata related to the execution of newspeed (i.e. pid, hostname, date, openssl version, command line arguments, loaded engine).

The operations member contains an array of objects describing each operation benchmarked by the newspeed execution: each operation object has metadata describing the algorithm name, operation name, and the out_count, in_count and iterations_per_sample parameters previously explained.

The RUNS member of a operation object contains an array (of length out_count) of objects composed by a numerical index j (i.e. 0 < j < out_count) and a values array containing in_count CPU cycles samples (each averaged over iterations_per_sample operation runs).

  "pid": 24913,
  "machine": "picchiopanciagialla",
  "engine": "libsuola-sodium",
  "date": "2018-04-26 20:18:30 +0000",
  "openssl_v": "0x10101003",
  "openssl_v_txt": "OpenSSL 1.1.1-pre3 (beta) 20 Mar 2018",
  "argv": [
  "operations": [
      "bits": 253,
      "alg_name": "X25519",
      "op_name": "evp_pkey_derive",
      "op_id": "0x17f99b0",
      "out_count": 1,
      "in_count": 10,
      "iterations_per_sample": 128,
      "RUNS": [
          "j": 0,
          "values": [
      "bits": 253,
      "alg_name": "ED25519",
      "op_name": "evp_pkey_sign",
      "op_id": "0x1800860",
      "out_count": 1,
      "in_count": 10,
      "iterations_per_sample": 128,
      "RUNS": [
          "j": 0,
          "values": [

Other links


This is a WIP project reimplementing openssl speed to use modern APIs.


Language:C 98.5%Language:CMake 1.5%