romaHerman / gitCommands

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


#0 open github your github accaunt and create new, empty git repo

#init repo create folder on your desctop (e.g. gitTest), then open terminal, navigate to this folder (e.g. cd ~/Desktop/gitTest) print this in terminal

  1. echo "# gitCommands" >>

  2. git init

  3. git add

  4. git commit -m "first commit"

  5. git remote add origin<YOU_REPO_NAME>/gitCommands.git

  6. git push -u origin master

#creare branch from master

  1. git checkout -b second-step

  2. lets add one more file (copy readme and rename to testFile)

  3. add test file to the repository. we have 2 options

    • git add
    • git add -A ("-A" is shortcut for "add all new files" in most cases this shortcut is used)
  4. lets check current status with comand git status -s (we see A(added) near testFile, M near readme stands for Modified)

  5. let's commit our changes git commit -m'test file added'

  6. run git status -s . It should not print anything to console because all changes were commited (saved)

  7. we can see our commit history in this branch by running git log (shift+q to exit, arrows up and down to scroll the log)

  8. now lets make sure we're on our side branch, run command: git branch

  9. push this branch to git repo : git push origin second-step . Now we can open git repo in browser and see that we have 2 branches (master and repo) with different content

#merge side branch to master

  1. first let's go to master branch and pull latest changes (maybe our teammates did some changes while we were working inside second-step branhc)
    • git checkout master
    • git pull
  2. now we can got back to our branch
    • git checkout second-step
  3. and rebase (merge and put our changes on top ) our branch against master
  4. now we can go to master and merge our branch to master git merge --no-ff second-step vim will be opened after merge. to exit press shift+q, then type wq! and press enter.
  5. and then we can push our changes to master git push origin master
