rolyatwilson / moodle

Moodle modification repository

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

/* Todd Cronin has forked this repository / / Todd's alter ego has forked as well / / Dalton has cloned too, testing*/ /* Taylor / / Daryl */


Ticketting tracker for Moodle used as user support or bug report

Component class : Moodle Activity Module

Version : 2.x (branch "master")

Version 2.3 : New branch MOODLE_23 for those additional adjustments

Original record

Used for tracking issues. By Clifford Tham.


By Valery Fremaux.

This module is a complete redraw of the former tracker module.

It provides a complete ticket tracking activity with following features :

  • Customizable ticket form submission
  • Commentable ticket records
  • Ticket assignation management
  • Ticket priority
  • Rich ticket listing using flexible table
  • "My tickets" list as author
  • "My assigned ticket" list
  • Closed or solved tickets separate archive
  • Multicriteria search engine
  • Search query personal memo
  • Watch management
  • Notification service (parametric)
  • Full backup/restore implementation
  • Tracking activity reports


Moodle modification repository