rollrat / hakurei

Namuwiki Stream Pipeline Filter

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Namuwiki Stream Pipeline Filter

Namuwiki Syncronizer & Stream

Namuwiki Search Engine

  • Search

    • Title Search
    • Title Fuzzy Search
    • Body Search
    • Body Fuzzy Search (ELK Like)
    • Category Search
  • Extract

    • Extract Outlink
    • Extract Category
  • Stream Pipeline

    • Map
    • Filter
    • Union
    • Substract
  • Etc

    • Wordcloud


command       -> expr_and

expr_and      -> expr_or (& expr_or)*
expr_or       -> expr_case (| expr_case)*
expr_case     -> ( expr_and )
               | func

func          -> name
               | name ( args )

name          -> function_name
               | function_name:sub_name

args          -> arg(, arg)*
arg           -> const
               | expr_and

function_name -> [_a-zA-Z$][_:a-zA-Z0-9$]*
number        -> [0-9]+
string        -> "([^\\"]|\\")*"
const         -> number
               | string


1. group_sum(reduce(title:contains("동방"), category))
title:contains("동방") => ArticleArray
reduce(_, category)   => CategoryArray
group_sum(_)          => CategoryWithCountArray

2. count(set(reduce(title:contains("동방"), category)))
set(_)   => CategorySet
count(_) => usize

3. map(reduce(title:startswith("서든") | title:endswith("어택"), category), select_max_len)
map(_, select_max_len) => CategoryArray

Middle-end Data Type

  • Abstract

    • Article (Title, [Category], Text, [Contributor])
    • Category (Name, [Article])
  • Implementaion

    • ArticleSet ({&Article})
    • ArticleArray ([&Article])
    • ArticleWithCountArray ([(&Article, Count)])
    • CategorySet ({&Category})
    • CategoryArray ([&Category])
    • CategoryWithCountArray ([(&Category, Count)])

Type Inference Example

1. group_sum(reduce(title:startswith("서든") & title:endswith("어택"), category))
v2 = title:startswith("서든")     # Array(Primitive(Article))
v4 = title:endswith("어택")       # Array(Primitive(Article))
v5 = &(v2, v4)                   # Array(Primitive(Article))
v7 = reduce(v5, ref("category")) # Array(Primitive(Category))
v8 = group_sum(v7)               # Array(Tuple([Primitive(Category), Primitive(Integer)]))

2. set(reduce(title:contains("동방"), category))
v2 = title:contains("동방")       # Array(Primitive(Article))
v4 = reduce(v2, ref("category")) # Array(Primitive(Category))
v5 = set(v4)                     # Set(Primitive(Category))

3. count(set(reduce(title:contains("동방"), category)))
v2 = title:contains("동방")       # Array(Primitive(Article))
v4 = reduce(v2, ref("category")) # Array(Primitive(Category))
v5 = set(v4)                     # Set(Primitive(Category))
v6 = count(v5)                   # Primitive(Integer)

4. set(reduce(title:contains("다크소울"), category) &
       reduce(title:contains("엘든링"), category)) &
   set(reduce(title:contains("붕괴") | title:contains("원신"), category))
v2 = title:contains("다크소울")      # Array(Primitive(Article))
v6 = title:contains("엘든링")       # Array(Primitive(Article))
v12 = title:contains("붕괴")        # Array(Primitive(Article))
v14 = title:contains("원신")        # Array(Primitive(Article))
v4 = reduce(v2, ref("category"))   # Array(Primitive(Category))
v8 = reduce(v6, ref("category"))   # Array(Primitive(Category))
v15 = |(v12, v14)                  # Array(Primitive(Article))
v9 = &(v4, v8)                     # Array(Primitive(Category))
v17 = reduce(v15, ref("category")) # Array(Primitive(Category))
v10 = set(v9)                      # Set(Primitive(Category))
v18 = set(v17)                     # Set(Primitive(Category))
v19 = &(v10, v18)                  # Set(Primitive(Category))


  • Variable Consume
  • Constant Folding
  • Common Expression

Available Functions

title:*(<String>) => [Article]
body:*(<String>) => [Article]
count(<Array<T> | Set<T>>) => Integer
set(<Array<T>>) => Set<T>
array(<Set<T>>) => Array<T> // not yet
group_sum(<Array<T>>) where T: Article | Category => Array<(T, Integer)>
map(<Array<T>>, (T) => F) => Array<F>
flatten(<Array<Array<T>>>) => Array<F>
filter(<Array<T>>, (T) => bool) => Array<T> // not yet
sort(<Array<T>>, (T, T) => i32) => Array<T> // not yet
bind((T) => F, (F) => G, *, (H) => K) => K // not yet
   -> category := (<Article>) => Array<Category>
   -> select_max_len := (<Array<T> | Set<T>>) => T // not yet
   -> select_min_len := (<Array<T> | Set<T>>) => T // not yet
   -> redirect := (<Article>) => Article // not yet
   -> unwrap_tuple1 := ((F, *)) => F, // not yet
   -> unwrap_tuple2 := ((F, H, *)) => H, // not yet
   -> cmp_array := (T, T) => i32 // not yet
   -> cmp_tuple1 := ((F, *), (F, *)) where T: (F, *) => i32 // not yet
   -> cmp_tuple2 := ((F, *), (F, *)) where T: (F, *) => i32 // not yet

Namuwiki Parser

At least 32gb of memory is required to use this feature.

Dump download:

Extract Category

Most articles have categories.

fn main() {
  let js = load_dump();

(Example) Find By Category

If you want to fetch Article rather than Title, modify the code appropriately.

fn find_by_category<'a>(js: &'a Vec<Article>, what: &str) -> Vec<&'a str> {
    let mut result: Vec<&str> = Vec::new();

    for x in js {
        let category = x.categories();

        if category.iter().any(|x| x.starts_with(what)) {

    result.sort_by(|a, b| a.cmp(b));


Title indexing

Before using, you must create title index file.

fn main() {
fn main() {
  let mut index = TitleIndex::load();

  println!("{}", index.get("하쿠레이 신사").unwrap().text);


Namuwiki Stream Pipeline Filter


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