rollbear / typical

Highly composable C++17 template meta programming library

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A highly composable type based C++ template meta programming library.

This one is in its infancy. Please toy with it, report back, and contribute to it. Do not (yet) use it in production.

My aim is to make it production ready, perhaps lacking in functional breadth, but not in quality, very soon. Hopefully already in January.


  • Composable
  • C++17
  • Fast

It is no secret that this draws heavily on the Kvasir::mpl library, but by adding another level of indirection for the type functions, it becomes very composable.

Q. Why type based when boost::Hana have showed the way with value oriented TMP?
A. Because sometimes manipulating types is exactly what you want to do.


using t = apply_pack_to<
// t is std::tuple<int* const, char* const>

Help wanted

A lot of stuff is needed to make this a fully fledged TMP library. Your help is much appreciated. Some obvious things:

  • CI setup for many different compilers.
  • Improved CMake support
  • Metabench integration
  • More and better documentation
  • More type functions
  • Are the names good enough? Are there better names that should be preferred?
  • Optimisations.

Convenience types

  • typical::constant<N>.

    template <auto V>
    struct constant {
        static constexpr auto value = V;

    typical::constant<V> is used by type functions that return a numerical or boolean result.

  • typical::list<Ts...>

    template <typename ...>
    struct list {};

    typical::list<...> is the default result type for all type functions that result in more than one type.

Type functions

All type functions operate on one or several types, and deliver their result to another type function. The default terminating type functions are:

  • typical::identity, used by type functions that result in one type, and expresses it in verbatim.
  • typical::make<T>, creates a T<ts...>. The default for type functions that result in several types is typical::make<typical::list>.

Some type functions accept only one type, other accepts parameter packs.

Convenience type functions

These are here to make it easier to work with typical.

  • apply_pack<function, params...> Passes params... to the type function function, which presents its result using the default.
  • apply_pack_to<function, result, params...>, same as above, but where result takes the place of the default. For example, a type function that defaults to produce a typical::list<...> may instead produce a tuple by calling apply_pack_to<function, make<std::tuple>, params...>.
  • apply_list<function, type>, passes the member types of
    type to function. type can be any type-based template, not just typical::list<...>, but for example std::tuple<...>, std::variant<...> or a type-list from some other TMP library.
  • apply_list_to<function, result, type>, same as above, but where result is used instead of the default result type.
  • metamorph<T1<types>,T2> instantiates a template type T2 with the types of the T1 instantiation. E.g. metamorph<std::tuple<int,char>, std::variant> is std::variant<int,char>.


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
1 typical::constant<> typical::identity <typical/type_predicates.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<is_pointer, int>; // t is constant<false>

Tells whether its input type is a pointer or not.


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
1 typical::constant<> typical::identity <typical/type_predicates.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<is_reference, int&&>; // t is constant<true>

Tells whether its input type is a reference or not. Note that both rvalue-references and lvalue-references are references.


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
1 typical::constant<> typical::identity <typical/type_predicates.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<is_lvalue_reference, int&&>; // t is constant<false>

Tells whether its input type is an lvalue-reference or not.


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
1 typical::constant<> typical::identity <typical/type_predicates.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<is_rvalue_reference, int&&>; // t is constant<true>

Tells whether its input type is an rvalue-reference or not.


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
1 typical::constant<> typical::identity <typical/type_predicates.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<is_const, int>; // t is constant<false>

Tells whether its input type is const or not.


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
1 typical::constant<> typical::identity <typical/type_predicates.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<is_volatile, int volatile>; // t is constant<true>

Tells whether its input type is volatile or not.


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
1 typical::constant<> typical::identity <typical/type_predicates.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<is_template<std::tuple>, std::variant<int,char>>; // t is constant<false>
using u = apply_pack<is_template<std::tuple>, std::tuple<int,char>>; // t is constant<true>

Tells whether its input type is an instantiation of the searched for template type or not.


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
1 typical::constant<> typical::identity <typical/type_predicates.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<negate<is_template<std::tuple>>, std::variant<int,char>>; // t is constant<true>
using u = apply_pack<negate<is_template<std::tuple>>, std::tuple<int,char>>; // t is constant<false>

Logically inverts the result of the function.


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
1 typical::constant<> typical::identity <typical/type_predicates.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<is_same<char>, int>; // t is constant<false>

Tells whether its input type is the searched for type or not.


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
1 pointer type typical::identity <typical/type_manipulation.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<add_pointer, int>; // t is int*

Adds pointer to the input type


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
1 reference type typical::identity <typical/type_manipulation.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<add_lvalue_reference, int>; // t is int&

Adds lvalue-reference to the input type. Note that reference collapsing rules apply.


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
1 reference type typical::identity <typical/type_manipulation.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<add_rvalue_reference, int>; // t is int&&

Adds rvalue-reference to the input type. Note that reference collapsing rules apply.


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
1 reference type typical::identity <typical/type_manipulation.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<add_const, int>; // t is int const

Adds const to the input type.


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
1 reference type typical::identity <typical/type_manipulation.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<add_volatile, int>; // t is int volatile

Adds volatile to the input type.


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
1 unqualified type typical::identity <typical/type_manipulation.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<remove_cv, int const volatile>; // t is int

Removes const and/or volatile qualifiers from the input type.


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
1 unqualified type typical::identity <typical/type_manipulation.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<remove_cv_ref, int const volatile&>; // t is int

Removes const and/or volatile qualifiers as well as references from the input type.


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
1 non-reference type typical::identity <typical/type_manipulation.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<remove_reference, int const&&>; // t is int const

Removes rvalue-reference or lvalue-reference from the input type.


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
1 typical::constant<> typical::identity <typical/list_predicates.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<is_empty, std::tuple<>>; // t is constant<true>
using f = apply_pack<is_empty, std::variant<int>>; // f is constant<false>

Tells whether a variadic template type is instantiated with types or not.


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
n typical::constant<> typical::identity <typical/list_predicates.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<any_of<is_pointer>, int, void*, char>; // t is constant<true>
using f = apply_pack<any_of<is_reference>, int, void*, char>; // f is constant<false>

Tells whether any of the types provided matches the predicate P


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
n typical::constant<> typical::identity <typical/list_predicates.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<all_of<is_pointer>, int*, void*, char*>; // t is constant<true>
using t = apply_pack<all_of<is_pointer>, int, void*, char>; // f is constant<false>

Tells whether all of the types provided matches the predicate P


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
n typical::constant<> typical::identity <typical/list_predicates.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<none_of<is_pointer>, int, void, char>; // t is constant<true>
using t = apply_pack<none_of<is_pointer>, int, void*, char>; // f is constant<false>

Tells whether none of the types provided matches the predicate P


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
n typical::constant<> typical::identity <typical/list_predicates.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<has<int>, int, void, char>; // t is constant<true>
using t = apply_pack<has<int>, long, void*, char>; // f is constant<false>

Tells the type list provided has the searched for type.


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
n typical::constant<> typical::identity <typical/list_predicates.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<all_unique, int, void, char>; // t is constant<true>
using t = apply_pack<all_unique, long, void, long>; // f is constant<false>

Tells the type list provided has only unique types without duplicates.


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
n type typical::identity <typical/algorithms/at.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<at<constant<1>>, int, void, char>; // t is void

Results in the n-th type in the parameter pack. The index can be any type that has an integral value member, e.g. typical::constant<N> or std::integral_constant<T,v>


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
n typical::constant<> typical::identity <typical/algorithms/count_if.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<count_if<is_const>, int, void, char const, double>; // t is constant<1>

Counts the number of parameters in the pack that matches the predicate.


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
n list typical::make<typical::list> <typical/algorithms/drop_front.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<drop_front<constant<1>>, int, void, char const, double>; // t is list<void,char const, double>

Drops the first N parameters from the input pack. The index type can be any type that has an integral value member, e.g. typical::constant<N> or std::integral_constant<T,v>.


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
n list typical::make<typical::list> <typical/algorithms/filter.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<filter<is_pointer>, int, void*, char*, double>; // t is list<int*, void*>

Produces a list of the types that matches the predicate.


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
1 list typical::make<typical::list> <typical/algorithms/flatten.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<flatten, tuple<int,variant<double,char>,tuple<duble>>; // t is list<int,variant<double,char>,double>

Flattens the hierarchy described by the input template type. All instantiations of the same basic template are flattened, whereas instantiations of other templates are untouched.


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
n type typical::identity <typical/algorithms/front.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<front, int,char,double>; // t is int

Produces the first type in the parameter pack


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
n typical::constant<> typical::identity <typical/algorithms/index_of.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<index_of<char>, int,char,double>; // t is constant<1>

Tells the position of the searched for type in the parameter pack, or -1 if not found.


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
n list typical::make<typical::list> <typical/algorithms/join.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<join, tuple<int,char>,tuple<unsigned,double>>; // t is list<int,char,unsigned,double>

Joins members of like variadic templates.


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
n list typical::make<typical::list> <typical/algorithms/partition.hpp>


using t = apply_pack_to<partition<is_pointer>, make<tuple>, int,char*,unsigned*,double>; // t is tuple<list<char*,unsigned*>,list<int,double>>

Partitions the input parameter pack acording to the predicate. Each partition is always represented by a typical::list, but the top-level type depends on the continuation.


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
n list typical::make<typical::list> <typical/algorithms/reverse.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<reverse, int,char,unsigned,double>; // t is list<double,unsigned,char,int>

Presents the input parameter pack in reversed order


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
n typical::constant<> typical::identity <typical/algorithms/size.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<size, int,char,unsigned,double>; // t is constant<4>

Presents number of parameters in the input pack


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
n list typical::make<typical::list> <typical/algorithms/take.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<take<constant<3>>, int,char,unsigned,double>; // t is list<int,char,unsigned>

Takes the first N parameters from the input pack. The index type can be any type that has an integral value member, e.g. typical::constant<N> or std::integral_constant<T,v>.


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
n list typical::make<typical::list> <typical/algorithms/transform.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<transform<add_const>, int,char,unsigned>; // t is list<int const,char const,unsigned const>

Instantiates a template with the type function applied to each member of the input parameter pack.


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
2 list typical::make<typical::list> <typical/algorithms/zip.hpp>


struct make_pair
  using continuation = typical::identity;
  template <typename C = continuation>
  struct to {
    template<typename T, typename U>
    using result = typename C::template result<std::pair<T, U>>;
using t = apply_pack<zip<make_pair>, list<int,char>,list<unsigned,double>>; // t is list<pair<int,unsigned>,pair<char,unsigned>>

Instantiates a template with the result of applying the provided binary type function to the element-wise pairs of the two input lists. N.B. The inputs need not be typical::list<>, but must both be instantiations of variadic templates with the same number of type parameters.


Arity Result type Default continuation Header
n - - <typical/compose.hpp>


using t = apply_pack<compose<transform<compose<add_const,add_pointer>>,take<constant<2>>>,int,char,double,unsigned> // t is list<int* const, char* const>

Create a composition of type functions that applies each of them with the result from the other. They are applied right to left.


Highly composable C++17 template meta programming library

License:Boost Software License 1.0


Language:C++ 98.8%Language:CMake 1.2%