rolinh / yuvcutter

Tool to cut the first N frames from a RAW YUV video file (mirror repository)

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comrolinh/yuvcutterRepository from Github https://github.comrolinh/yuvcutter


yuvcutter cuts the first "N" frames from raw YUV video files. "N" is equal to "1" by default but you can easily change it using -N option. YUV supported format are 4:2:0, 4:2:2 and 4:4:4. Note that as this YUV files are raw files with no information on content, you need to specify the video width and height in order for yuvcutter to behave as expected. By default, it assumes the input video is "1920x1080".

Why would I need to cut the first frames from a YUV file you might ask? Here is a typical use case: you have an H264 encoded video file and you want to compute the PSNR by comparing it to the original YUV video that was used as a record source. Therefore, you use the H264/AVC JM reference software to decode the video and compare the resulting YUV file with the original file. However, if you want your computed PSNR to be correct, you need the two videos to start at exactly the same frame each. Here comes yuvcutter as it allows you to cut the first "N" frames of your reference video file so your both YUV files start with the same video frame.

yuvcutter has also the ability to display the number of frames contained in the YUV video file.


yuvcutter has not dependy apart from the standard C library. To generate yuvcutter executable, just type the following from the root's directory:


To generate the manpage, type the following:

make doc

Please, note that you normally do not have to generate the manual page since I keep an updated copy in man/man1 directory. However, if you want to regenerate the manpage, you will need to have the ronn tool installed on your machine (ronn can be installed as a Ruby gem by typing gem install ronn).

If you want to install yuvcutter on your system, simply type the following:

make install

By default, it will install in "/usr/local" folder but you can change the destination by specifying the "DESTDIR" variable.


Tool to cut the first N frames from a RAW YUV video file (mirror repository)

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:C 100.0%