rolanddenis / PolySche

Statically (constexpr) generate interpolating polynomial and associated numerical scheme from linear constraints

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The goal of this C++17 library is to statically (eventually at compile-time using constexpr expressions) generate stencils involved in finite differences and finite volumes schemes that are based on polynomial interpolation.

An interpolation polynomial is generated by solving a set of linear equations defined by some operations (evaluation, derivation, integration, ...) applied to a canonical polynomial.

Once generated, this interpolation polynomial can be used as it (general formulation of the interpolation) or can be derivated and evaluated at a given point so that to recover the associated numerical scheme stencil.

The coefficients are computed in the rational space so that to avoid numerical precision issues (except integer overflow).


Finite difference scheme

Value constraints

To build classical finite difference schemes, the first step is to build an interpolation polynomial from a step of interpolation positions and values.

Commonly, we use evenly spaced discretization of the real line and we can use $dx = 1$ since general formulation is easily recovered using a simple scaling function (taking care of the derivation order).

For a 2nd-order approximation, the code looks like:

#include <polysche/polynomial_scheme.hpp>


using polysche::PolynomialScheme;
constexpr auto PS = PolynomialScheme<2>{}; // Order 2 interpolation
constexpr auto P = PS.get_polynomial(); // Gets the canonical polynomial used to express the constraints
constexpr auto S = PS.add_eqn(P(-1)) // constraint P(-1) = u_{-1} 
                     .add_eqn(P( 0)) // constraint P(0) = u_0
                     .add_eqn(P( 1)) // constraint P(1) = u_1
                     .solve();       // Solve the linear system
constexpr auto fd1 = S.derivate()(0); // Derivate the interpolation polynomial and evaluate it at 0
std::cout << fd1 << std::endl; // Supposing that << is overloaded for std::array

that should display [-1/2,0,1/2] if the << operator is overloaded for std::array.

Each returned coefficient is associated to a second term of the contraints, in the same order, that is here: $$u'(0) \approx -\frac12 u(-1) + \frac12 u(1).$$

The intermediate variable S actually contains the interpolation polynomial:

std::cout << "S = " << S << std::endl;

that displays

[0,1,0] + [1,0,0] X + [-1,-1,1] X^2

where, as above, each monomial is expressed as a linear combination of the second terms of the constraints : $$S(X) := u(0) + u(-1) X + (-u(-1) - u(0) + u(1)) X^2.$$

We can then reuse this polynomial to compute another stencils, for example :

  • for the approximation of the second-order derivative (centered):
    constexpr fd2 = S.derivate(2)(0);
    std::cout << fd2 << std::endl;
    that displays
  • for a non-centered approximation of the first-order derivative, eg when at the domain boundaries :
    constexpr fd1_left = S.derivate()(-1);
    std::cout << fd1_left << std::endl;
    that displays

Mixing value and derivative constraints

We can also add constraint on the derivative of the interpolation polynomial, for example to include a boundary condition like a Neumann condition :

#include <polysche/polynomial_scheme.hpp>


using polysche::PolynomialScheme;
constexpr auto PS = PolynomialScheme<2>{}; // Order 2 interpolation
constexpr auto P = PS.get_polynomial(); // Gets the canonical polynomial used to express the constraints
constexpr auto S = PS.add_eqn(P.derivative()(0)) // constraint P'(0) = v_0
                     .add_eqn(P( 0)) // constraint P(0) = u_0
                     .add_eqn(P( 1)) // constraint P(1) = u_1
                     .solve();       // Solve the linear system
constexpr auto fd2_neumann = S.derivate(2)(0);
std::cout << fd2_neumann << std::endl;

that displays, for an approximation of the 2th derivative at $x = 0$:


where the first coefficient is associated to the wanted slope at $x = 0$ ($0$ for a Neumann condition).

It can also be used to extrapolate data outside the boundary to fill ghost cells in the so-called ghost-cell methods:

std::cout << S(-1) << std::endl;

that displays


meaning that the ghost cell $u_{-1}$ should be filled with $-2 u'_0 + u_1$.

Cubic Hermite spline

The same way, we can recover higher order interpolation like the cubic Hermite spline:

#include <polysche/polynomial_scheme.hpp>


using polysche::PolynomialScheme;
constexpr auto PS = PolynomialScheme<3>{}; // Interpolation of order 3
constexpr auto P = PS.get_polynomial();
constexpr auto S = PS
    .add_eqn(P(0)) // = f(0)
    .add_eqn(P(1)) // = f(1)
    .add_eqn(P.derivate()(0)) // = f'(0)
    .add_eqn(P.derivate()(1)) // = f'(1)
std::cout << "S = " << S << std::endl;

that displays:

S = [1,0,0,0] + [0,0,1,0] X + [-3,3,-2,-1] X^2 + [2,-2,1,1] X^3

Finite volume method

We can also define constraint based on the integration of the polynomial between two bounds. That way, we can construct interpolations adapted to finite volume formulation and use them, for example, to interpolate solution on finer resolution grid, like the prediction step in multi-resolution methods.

A first example with interpolation of order 2:

#include <polysche/polynomial_scheme.hpp>


using polysche::PolynomialScheme;
constexpr auto PS = PolynomialScheme<2>{};
constexpr auto P = PS.get_polynomial();
constexpr auto S = PS.add_eqn(P.integrate({-3, 2}, {-1, 2})) // = u_{-1}
                     .add_eqn(P.integrate({-1, 2}, { 1, 2})) // = u_0
                     .add_eqn(P.integrate({ 1, 2}, { 3, 2})) // = u_1
constexpr auto left  = S.integrate({-1, 2}, 0);
constexpr auto right = S.integrate(0, {1, 2});
std::cout << "left(u_0)  = " << left << std::endl;
std::cout << "right(u_0) = " << right << std::endl;

that displays:

left(u_0)  = [1/16,1/2,-1/16]
right(u_0) = [-1/16,1/2,1/16]

that is the expected stencil relatively to a factor 2 (integration should be scaled by the space step).

We can also generalize it to higher order interpolation:

#include <polysche/polynomial_scheme.hpp>

using polysche::PolynomialScheme;

template <std::size_t Order>
constexpr auto make_finite_volume() noexcept
    auto PS = PolynomialScheme<Order>{};
    auto P = PS.get_polynomial();
    for (int i = - static_cast<int>(Order) / 2; i <= static_cast<int>(Order) / 2; ++i)
        PS = PS.add_eqn(P.integrate({2 * i - 1, 2}, {2 * i + 1, 2}));
    return PS.solve();

std::cout << "Finite volume of order 8:" << std::endl;
constexpr auto S = make_finite_volume<8>();
std::cout << "int_{-1/2}^0 S(x) = " << S.integrate({-1, 2}, 0) << std::endl;
std::cout << "int_0^{1/2}  S(x) = " << S.integrate(0, {1, 2})  << std::endl;

that displays:

Finite volume of order 8:
int_{-1/2}^0 S(x) = [-35/65536,185/32768,-949/32768,3461/32768,1/2,-3461/32768,949/32768,-185/32768,35/65536]
int_0^{1/2}  S(x) = [35/65536,-185/32768,949/32768,-3461/32768,1/2,3461/32768,-949/32768,185/32768,-35/65536]

And we can also mix with custom boundary conditions, here with Neumann condition:

#include <polysche/polynomial_scheme.hpp>


using polysche::PolynomialScheme;
std::cout << "Finite volume of order 2 with Neumann condition:" << std::endl;
constexpr auto PS = PolynomialScheme<2>{};
constexpr auto P = PS.get_polynomial();
constexpr auto S = PS
    .add_eqn(P.integrate({-1, 2}, { 1, 2})) // \int_{-1/2}^{1/2} u = u_0
    .add_eqn(P.integrate({ 1, 2}, { 3, 2})) // \int_{1/2}^{3/2} u = u_1
    .add_eqn(P.derivate()(Rational(3, 2)))  // u'(3/2) = c
std::cout << "S(X) = " << S << std::endl;
std::cout << "left(u_1)  = " << S.integrate({1, 2}, 1) << std::endl;
std::cout << "right(u_1) = " << S.integrate(1, {3, 2})  << std::endl; 

that displays:

Finite volume of order 2 with Neumann condition:
S(X) = [23/24,1/24,-1/24] + [-3/2,3/2,-1/2] X + [1/2,-1/2,1/2] X^2
left(u_1)  = [1/16,7/16,-1/16]
right(u_1) = [-1/16,9/16,1/16]

and also fill ghost values:

std::cout << "u_2 = " << S.integrate({3, 2}, {5, 2}) << std::endl;
std::cout << "u_3 = " << S.integrate({5, 2}, {7, 2}) << std::endl;

that displays:

u_2 = [0,1,1]
u_3 = [1,0,3]

Same with Dirichlet condition:

#include <polysche/polynomial_scheme.hpp>


using polysche::PolynomialScheme;
std::cout << "Finite volume of order 2 with Dirichlet condition:" << std::endl;
constexpr auto PS = PolynomialScheme<2>{};
constexpr auto P = PS.get_polynomial();
constexpr auto S = PS
    .add_eqn(P.integrate({-1, 2}, { 1, 2})) // \int_{-1/2}^{1/2} u = u_0
    .add_eqn(P.integrate({ 1, 2}, { 3, 2})) // \int_{1/2}^{3/2} u = u_1
    .add_eqn(P(Rational(3, 2)))             // u(3/2) = c
std::cout << "S(X) = " << S << std::endl;
std::cout << "left(u_1)  = " << S.integrate({1, 2}, 1) << std::endl;
std::cout << "right(u_1) = " << S.integrate(1, {3, 2})  << std::endl;   
std::cout << "u_2 = " << S.integrate({3, 2}, {5, 2}) << std::endl;
std::cout << "u_3 = " << S.integrate({5, 2}, {7, 2}) << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;

that displays:

Finite volume of order 2 with Dirichlet condition:
S(X) = [15/16,3/16,-1/8] + [-7/4,13/4,-3/2] X + [3/4,-9/4,3/2] X^2
left(u_1)  = [1/32,21/32,-3/16]
right(u_1) = [-1/32,11/32,3/16]
u_2 = [1/2,-5/2,3]
u_3 = [5/2,-21/2,9]


From conda

Conda Version

This library is packaged with conda on the conda-forge channel:

conda install -c conda-forge polysche

From source

GitHub Release

From a clone of this repo or a release archive, you only need a C++17 compatible compiler:

cmake --build build

You can run the tests:

cmake --build build --target test

or check one of the examples in the corresponding folder.

Finally, if the installation folder is properly set, you can install it:

cmake --build build --target install

First project

Once installed, you can find PolySche and configure a minimal project using this minimal CMakeLists.txt file:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
project(test_polysche LANGUAGES CXX)
find_package(PolySche CONFIG REQUIRED)
add_executable("main" "main.cpp")

and minimal main.cpp C++ file:

#include <polysche/rational.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    using polysche::Rational;
    Rational<int> r(3, 2);
    std::cout << "r = " << r << std::endl;
    return 0;

You may need to specify CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH if PolySche is installed from source in a customized location.

Known issues

This library is in alpha/beta stage:

  • integer values may overflow during linear system solving and compiler may (or not) issue an error in that case (it should be the case when using constexpr expressions),
  • using constexpr expressions, you may reach the maximal constexpr evaluation depth (eg with LLVM) for large interpolation order (eg 10 ...). You can increase this limit using the -fconstexpr-steps compiler option.

Planned features

This library currently looks more like a proof of concept than a mature project. However, here is some features that are planned to be added (also seed the file):

  • Converting a computed stencil to a container with floating point value type:
    constexpr auto PS = PolynomialScheme<2>{};
    constexpr auto P = PS.get_polynomial();
    constexpr auto S = ps.add_eqn(P(-1)).add_eqn(P(0)).add_eqn(P(1)).solve();
    constexpr auto stencil = S.derivate()(0);
    constexpr auto weights = static_cast<std::array<double, 3>>(stencil);
    // or
    std::vector<double> weights;
  • Adding arithmetic between Rational and floating-point types, resulting in a floating point value (to allow easy usage of a stencil):
    constexpr auto PS = PolynomialScheme<2>{};
    constexpr auto P = PS.get_polynomial();
    constexpr auto S = ps.add_eqn(P(-1)).add_eqn(P(0)).add_eqn(P(1)).solve();
    constexpr auto stencil = S.derivate()(0);
    for (std::size_t i = 1; i < N - 1; ++i)
        gradient[i] = (stencil[0] * data[i - 1] // Supposing data[] is float/double
                    +  stencil[1] * data[i]
                    +  stencil[2] * data[i + 1]) / dx;
  • Adding a class Stencil dedicated to stencils (instead of just a std::array) and adding associated arithmetic so that to allow more complex constraints like for Robin boundary condition:
    constexpr auto PS = PolynomialScheme<2>{};
    constexpr auto P = PS.get_polynomial();
    constexpr auto S = PS.add_eqn(P(0) - 2 * P.derivative()(0))
                         .add_eqn(P( 1))
                         .add_eqn(P( 2))
  • Using actual data to instantiate a stencil-interpolation polynomial and recover a proper polynomial function on the space coordinate only (eg for interpolation purpose):
    constexpr auto PS = PolynomialScheme<2>{};
    constexpr auto P = PS.get_polynomial();
    constexpr auto S = ps.add_eqn(P(-1)).add_eqn(P(0)).add_eqn(P(1)).solve();
    auto poly = S.instantiate(std::begin(data) + i); // or giving values as parameters
    std::cout << "poly(0.5) = " << poly(0.5) << std::endl;
  • Runtime order of interpolation (using std::vector?):
    auto PS = PolynomialScheme(2); // could be constexpr in C++20 ?
    auto P = PS.get_polynomial();
    auto S = ps.add_eqn(P(-1)).add_eqn(P(0)).add_eqn(P(1)).solve();
  • Enforcing value for some equations as a second argument tof add_eqn (need to have Stencil with a bias value):
    constexpr auto PS = PolynomialScheme<2>{};
    constexpr auto P = PS.get_polynomial();
    constexpr auto S = PS.add_eqn(P.derivative()(0), 0) // Neumann condition
                         .add_eqn(P( 0))
                         .add_eqn(P( 1))
    constexpr auto fd2_neumann = S.derivate(2)(0);
    std::cout << fd2_neumann << std::endl; // Only two weights [-2, 2]
  • Adding placeholders to use unknown inside the expression passed to add_eqn?


Statically (constexpr) generate interpolating polynomial and associated numerical scheme from linear constraints

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 93.9%Language:CMake 6.1%