rohithasrk / ansible-openwisp2

Ansible role that installs and upgrades the new openwisp2 controller.

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Installing OpenWISP2



Ansible role that installs the openwisp2 controller.

Tested on debian, ubuntu, fedora, redhat and centos.

NOTE: it is highly suggested to use this procedure on clean virtual machines or linux containers.

Minimum ansible version supported: 2.2.


If you are fond of Python, Django and Unix/Linux systems, you may find interesting to know more about what happens under the hood in OpenWISP 2.

openwisp2 modules diagram

For more information see also Applying the Unix Philosophy to Django projects: a report from the real world.

Usage (tutorial)

If you don't know how to use ansible, don't panic, this procedure will guide you towards a fully working basic openwisp2 installation.

If you already know how to use ansible, you can skip this tutorial.

First of all you need to understand two key concepts:

  • for "production server" we mean a server (not a laptop or a desktop computer!) with public ipv4 / ipv6 which is used to host openwisp2
  • for "local machine" we mean the host from which you launch ansible, eg: your own laptop

Ansible is a configuration management tool that works by entering production servers via SSH, so you need to install it and configure it on the machine where you launch the deployment and this machine must be able to SSH into the production server.

If you are trying to install OpenWISP2 on your laptop or desktop pc just for testing purposes, please read Install OpenWISP2 locally (laptop, desktop pc).

Install ansible

Install ansible (version 2.2 or higher) on your local machine (not the production server!) if you haven't done already, there are various ways in which you can do this, but we prefer to use the official python package manager, eg:

sudo pip install ansible>=2.2

If you don't have pip installed see Installing pip on the pip documentation website.

Installing ansible in other ways is fine too, just make sure to install a version of the 2.x series (which is the version with which we have tested this playbook).

Install this role

For the sake of simplicity, the easiest thing is to install this role on your local machine via ansible-galaxy (which was installed when installing ansible), therefore run:

sudo ansible-galaxy install openwisp.openwisp2

Choose a working directory

Choose a working directory on your local machine where to put the configuration of openwisp2.

This will be useful when you will need to upgrade openwisp2.


mkdir ~/openwisp2-ansible-playbook
cd ~/openwisp2-ansible-playbook

Putting this working directory under version control is also a very good idea.

Create inventory file

The inventory file is where group of servers are defined. In our simple case we can get away with defining just one group in which we will put just one server.

Create a new file hosts on your local machine with the following contents:


Substitute with your hostname (ip addresses are allowed as well).

Create playbook file

Create a new playbook file playbook.yml on your local machine with the following contents:

- hosts: openwisp2
  become: "{{ become | default('yes') }}"
    - openwisp.openwisp2

The line become: "{{ become | default('yes') }}" means ansible will use the sudo program to run each command. You may remove this line if you don't need it.

Run the playbook

Now is time to deploy openwisp2 to the production server.

Run the playbook from your local machine with:

ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yml -u <user> -k --ask-sudo-pass

Substitute <user> with your user.

The --ask-sudo-pass argument will need the sshpass program.

You can remove -k and --ask-sudo-pass if your public SSH key is installed on the server.

When the playbook is done running, if you got no errors you can login at:
username: admin
passowrd: admin

Substitute with your hostname.

Now proceed with the following steps:

  1. change the password (and the username if you like) of the superuser as soon as possible
  2. edit the information of the default organization
  3. in the default organization you just updated, note down the automatically generated shared secret option, you will need it to use the auto-registration feature of openwisp-config

Now you are ready to start configuring your network! If you need help you can ask questions on one of the official OpenWISP Support Channels.

Install OpenWISP2 locally (laptop, desktop pc)

If you are trying to install OpenWISP 2 on your laptop or desktop pc for testing purposes, you can run ansible-playbook with the --connection=local flag.

Step 1: Install ansible

Step 2: Install this role

Step 3, create playbook.yml:

- hosts: localhost
  roles: [openwisp.openwisp2]
    postfix_myhostname: "localhost"

Step 4, become root and launch ansible-playbook locally:

sudo -s  # become root, needs sudo password
ansible-playbook -i "localhost," --connection local playbook.yml

When the playbook is done running, if you got no errors you can login at:

username: admin
passowrd: admin

Note: do not use this method in a production system.

SSL certificate gotchas

When you access the admin website you will get an SSL certificate warning because the playbook creates a self-signed (untrusted) SSL certificate. You can get rid of the warning by installing your own trusted certificate and set the openwisp2_ssl_cert and openwisp2_ssl_key variables accordingly or by following the instructions explained in the section "Automatic SSL certificate".

If you keep the untrusted certificate, you will also need to disable SSL verification on devices using openwisp-config by setting verify_ssl to 0, although I advice against using this kind of setup in a production environment.

Automatic SSL certificate

This section explains how to automatically install and renew a valid SSL certificate signed by letsencrypt.

The first thing you have to do is to setup a valid domain for your openwisp2 instance, this means your inventory file (hosts) should look like the following:


You must be able to add a DNS record for, you cannot use an ip address in place of

Once your domain is set up and the DNS record is propagated, proceed by installing the ansible role thefinn93.letsencrypt:

sudo ansible-galaxy install thefinn93.letsencrypt

Then proceed to edit your playbook.yml so that it will look similar to the following example:

- hosts: openwisp2
  become: "{{ become | default('yes') }}"
    - thefinn93.letsencrypt
    - openwisp.openwisp2
    # SSL certificates
    openwisp2_ssl_cert: "/etc/letsencrypt/live/{{ ansible_fqdn }}/fullchain.pem"
    openwisp2_ssl_key: "/etc/letsencrypt/live/{{ ansible_fqdn }}/privkey.pem"
    # letsencrypt configuration
    letsencrypt_webroot_path: "{{ openwisp2_path }}/public_html"
    letsencrypt_email: <YOUR_EMAIL_HERE>
    letsencrypt_renewal_command_args: '--renew-hook "service nginx restart"'
      day: "*"
      hour: "7,19"  # renewal cronjob runs at 7 AM and at 7 PM
      minute: 0

Fill a real email address in place of <YOUR_EMAIL_HERE>, it may be used by letsencrypt to send you important communications regarding your SSL certificate.

Once you have set up all the variables correctly, run the playbook again.

Upgrading openwisp2

Update this ansible-role via ansible-galaxy:

sudo ansible-galaxy install --force openwisp.openwisp2

Run ansible-playbook again from your local machine:

ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yml

You may also run the playbook automatically periodically or when a new release of OpenWISP2, for example, by setting up a continuous integration system.

Role variables

This role has many variables values that can be changed to best suit your needs.

Below are listed all the variables you can customize (you ma also want to take a look at the default values of these variables).

- hosts: yourhost
  # you can add other roles here
    - openwisp.openwisp2
    # you may set one of these variables to true if you need to
    # use the development version of a specific openwisp2 module
    openwisp2_controller_dev: false
    openwisp2_users_dev: false
    openwisp2_django_netjsonconfig_dev: false
    openwisp2_django_x509_dev: false
    openwisp2_netjsonconfig_dev: false
    # by default python3 is used, if may need to set this to python2.7 for older systems
    openwisp2_python: python2.7
    # customize the app_path
    openwisp2_path: /opt/openwisp2
    # edit database settings only if you are not using sqlite
        engine: django.db.backends.postgresql
        name: openwisp2
        user: postgres
        password: ""
        host: ""
        port: ""
        options: {}
    # customize other django settings:
    openwisp2_language_code: en-gb
    openwisp2_time_zone: UTC
    # django-netjsonconfig context
    openwisp2_context: {}
    # additional allowed hosts
    # specify path to a valid SSL certificate and key
    # (a self-signed SSL cert will be generated if omitted)
    openwisp2_ssl_cert: "/etc/nginx/ssl/server.crt"
    openwisp2_ssl_key: "/etc/nginx/ssl/server.key"
    # customize the self-signed SSL certificate info if needed
    openwisp2_ssl_country: "US"
    openwisp2_ssl_state: "California"
    openwisp2_ssl_locality: "San Francisco"
    openwisp2_ssl_organization: "IT dep."
    # the following setting controls which ip address range
    # is allowed to access the controller via unencrypted HTTP
    # (this feature is disabled by default)
    openwisp2_http_allowed_ip: ""
    # additional python packages that will be installed with pip
        - bpython
        - django-owm-legacy
    # additional django apps that will be added to settings.INSTALLED_APPS
    # (if the app needs to be installed, the name its python package
    # must be also added to the openwisp2_extra_python_packages var)
        - owm_legacy
    # spdy protocol support (disabled by default)
    openwisp2_nginx_spdy: false
    # HTTP2 protocol support (disabled by default)
    openwisp2_nginx_http2: false
    # ipv6 must be enabled explicitly to avoid errors
    openwisp2_nginx_ipv6: false
    # install ntp client (enabled by default)
    openwisp2_install_ntp: true
    # enable sentry
        dsn: ""
    openwisp2_default_cert_validity: 1825
    openwisp2_default_ca_validity: 3650


See OpenWISP Support Channels.


Ansible role that installs and upgrades the new openwisp2 controller.

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Python 100.0%